Stomach Pain, Bloating, Back Pain And Feeling Of Fullness.
Thanks for posting your query.
As per the details given by you, I can think of the following conditions
1. Dyspepsia - excessive formation of gas could be due to some food, drugs like the one your are taking, etc.
2. Swelling or infection in gall bladder due to stones or otherwise.
3. Some heart related problem can also present like this.
It is advisable that you get in touch with your physician and get your self examined for this.You may need some investigations like blood counts,ultrasound of abdomen, EKG and other investigations as advised by your physician.
The condition needs medical attention at the earliest.
In mean time,the following measures might be helpful:
1. Take light diet, avoid heavy foods and foods XXXXXXX in fat. Avoid soft drinks.
2. Take proper rest and medicines like omeprazole 20 mg twice daily and Tylenol 2-3 times in a day to get some relief.
I hope this answers your query. I will be glad to reply any follow up queries that you have.
Dr. Pragnesh