Stomach Virus, Vomiting, Swollen, Painful, Red Lips, Fever Blister Over Mouth, No Sore Inside Mouth
Thanks for your query.
Usually some children suffering from the flu or any other febrile illness tend to develop the fever blisters over their lips. It usually does not have any relation to the type of food eaten or fluid that is drunk.
You need to keep your child well hydrated with plenty of home fluids like water, lemon juice, and WHO-ORS(oral rehydration therapy) will be of much help in such cases. You need to dissolve a XXXXXXX of WHO-ORS in a liter of previously boiled and cooled water. Administer the fluid to the child as much as she wants. If she is vomiting frequently you may give her the fluid in sips using a spoon.
She needs a diet XXXXXXX in proteins and fresh fruits and XXXXXXX leafy vegetables to tide over a viral illness. If the Doctor has recommended a medicine for her to stop vomiting, that medicine may be administered as your Doctor has advised.
Do check her for any sort of rash which if should develop, will need to be shown to her Doctor to rule out any bleeding disorder sometimes associated with Viral fever.
Let her get plenty of rest, support her through this phase.
The fever blisters should resolve in a few days but a few points need t be kept in mind. Avoid spicy, acidic food for her as they could irritate the raw area on the blister surface and cause pain and further discomfort.
You may apply White petroleum jelly thinly over the blisters for relief. Mild ice pack may also be applied carefully for pain relief in the region of blisters. If there develops any yellowish discharge she may need antibiotics for which she will need to see her Doctor.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries.