Suffer From Irregular Periods. Have PCOS. Will I Have Difficulty In Conceiving?
I have a query regarding concieving. Actually i had PCOS from the starting of my periods. And since then my periods are irregular. There has been a gap of 2-3 months always. Now from last 2 years i am married not taking any precaution but never concieved. I would like to know the complications in concieving as due to some personal reasons we are not consulting any doctor for any treatment. Is there any limitation of age? please suggest whether we should consult any doctor for the same.
PCOS is actually hormonal imbalance leading to various problems like irregular periods, obesity, inability to conceive etc...
I would like to know a few things like whether your periods are regular at present, what is your weight and height.
I would advise you a few blood tests like: serum FSH, LH levels to be done on day 2 of periods, fasting and postprandial insulin levels, thyroid function tests, and a sonography of pelvis.
I would like to review with the reports to know the level of hormonal imbalance and then start you on any medications if needed.
Until then if you are overweight, which generally PCOS patients are, then would advise you to lose weight by diet and exercises. Total 1000-1200 KCAL/day, low carbohydrate and high protein diet.
Ideal age for first pregnancy would be before 30 years for a healthy mother and baby.
Regarding whether you should consult a doctor or not I would advise you to consult a good gynecologist as PCOS patients have difficulty in conceiving and generally need assistance, so better XXXXXXX a gynecologist and follow her instructions.
Will review with the reports, everything will be fine don't worry.
All the best, Take Care.