Suffer Itching On Arms. Developed Rough Skin Patch. Used Allergy Medicines. Taken Loratadine. Need Information?
Moisturise and steroid creams
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
It sounds like eczema. One of the typical locations for eczema is in the region of the elbows.
In many persons the rash is provoked by particular allergens. If it is possible to have allergy tests done then you would be able to identify what is provoking the rash.
Allergy tests can either be in the form of blood tests or skin prick testing.
The blood tests can be taken by your doctor and sent to the lab.
Persistent itchy rashes can result in thickening or roughening of the skin like you describe.
It would be treated by keeping the area moist and topical steroid creams.
In general it is advised that within 3 minutes of bathing before all the water has been dried up that a moisturiser be applied.
The moisturiser would seal in the water to the skin. This reduces the itching and inflammation and also reduces the roughness.
Examples of moisturisers are E 45 and soft paraffin.
This is to reapplied throughout the day,at least 3 to 4 times.
The steroid creams are applied after the moisturiser. They are to be used sparingly. This is to be applied for 2 weeks, most creams are twice daily.
After the initial 2 weeks , it can be applied 3 to 4 times a week to keep the inflammation away.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any additional questions
Anti-itch concentrated lotion, Hydrocortione 1% cream and occasionally Benadryl cream. Should I be using something that is prescribed by a Dr. or are these ok? Sun (even with sun screen) feels a little intense - is this something I need to avoid?
Also, would the eczema be the reason my blood feeling so warm?
Is this a lifelong problem or can I get it under control with treatment?
eczema can cause the increased warmth
Detailed Answer:
Since eczema is an inflammatory process, it can result in an increased warmth of the skin.
The hydrocortisone 1% would be a little too weak. That is mainly reserved for small children or for rashes on the face.
You may need a steroid cream such as bethamethasone, elocon, triamcinolone. These may need a prescription, you can speak to your local pharmacist first to find out if a prescription is required.
In some persons, the sun can aggravate a rash.
If there is a particular allergen that is causing the rash and this is eliminated, it is possible that the rash may resolve.
Please feel free to ask any additional questions