Suffer With Gastro Issues, Anxiety, Had An Episode Of Stomach Cramps Like Period Cramps. What Could This Be?
Thank you for the query.
First of all you need to know that your anxiety/IBS issue can trigger your symptoms and no other disease can be present. However, before such conclusion, you need to have other conditions ruled out.
Symptoms like stomach cramps (upper abdominal pain) and burping (if that is what you mean by gas) can be caused by stomach inflammation, peptic ulcer, Helicobacter Pylori infection. With stomach issues you may have nausea, chest burning, loss of appetite, weight loss.
It is possible that stomach inflammation due to H.Pylori infection triggers your GERD and IBS. Some patients after this bacteria eradication is free from symptoms at all. To diagnose it, gastrostcopy with H.Pylori test is advisable.
If you have middle abdominal pain and cramps, bloating (gas), your problem might be caused by partial bowels obstruction or chronic bacterial infection. As your large intestine was checked with colonoscopy, small intestine partial obstruction seems more probable. To diagnose this condition, regular X-rays cannot be sufficient. That is why; abdominal CT with oral contrast (enteroclysis) should be done. You should also have stool culture tests done to rule out chronic bacterial infection.
Some cases of IBS is caused by such infection and Rifaximine treatment can set you free from the symptoms. You should discuss about this medicine with gastroenterologist.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.