Suffering From IBS. How To Get Rid Of Fart And Pain Near Belly Button?
It would be worth considering if you have changed your diet within this period. Changes in anxiety or stress levels are important determinants of symptoms of bowel movement patterns, if you have introduced a new drug in your drug panel lately, the drug could be worth reviewing too.
However, exercise and stress relieving activities have direct positive effects in increase intestinal contractions and relieve from IBS. I would suggest you can have a walk and more regularly, discuss with loved ones, play games, watch or listen to your favorite music or TV programmes.
IBS is a very individualized disease and it could be critical for you to realize any triggers of this disease and do the best you can to avoid them. A small food diary for sometime could be of help.
Eating smaller foods more frequently usually relieves patients form symptoms. Slowly increasing your fibre diet through fibre XXXXXXX foods, generally vegetables could be of much help.Making a habit to drink abundant quantities of water might help.
If symptoms do persist after excluding all recent changes in habits and these lifestyle measures, visiting a gastroenterologist for a more detailed review, to add specific drugs, or exclude other conditions that could present with similar symptoms would be worthwhile.
I suggest you consider my propositions, and if symptoms persist or get worse, you consult a gastroenterologist.
Hope this helps. Do not hesitate asking further questions if need be,
Thanks and best regards,
Luchuo, MD.
thanks for your comments as I wish you the best of health,
Best regards,
Luchuo, MD.