Suffering From Back Pain. Taken Treatment. Suggest Methods To Reduce Back Pain?
I am suffering from back pain from past 7 years. I have already undergone some treatment and took some tablets and injections. I need to know what are the good methods to reduce back pain and also let me know if there are any sort of medical tratment that releives me from back pain. I heard yoga or gym will be good method to reduce the back paion but I want to know which thing I should opt. I am also taking some pain killer tablets for back pain. So please advise me whether it's good or not.
detailed below
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry about your problem of back pain. It seems like you are suffering much pain; sorry about it.
Yes, there are several good ways to reduce back pain.
Firstly, you need to rest your back well and adequately. You must maintain an erect back posture always. You could give your lower back a support with a small cushion while you sit for long hours.
The medical treatment for back pain would be the use of painkillers, which you are already taking. Let me tell you, taking too many painkillers is not good for health in the long run.
The orthopedic treatment in the form of back physiotherapy would do wonders if learnt and done regularly. You need to consult a skilled physiotherapist for the same, who could teach you the right back physiotherapy.
Yoga is good for your back. I doubt gym would do any good for your back pain. In my view, you should opt for Yoga. This is best for you.
I have given a broad view of management here. Let me know if you have more queries.