Suffering From Back Pain And Want To Reduce Front Belly. What Is Going On?
i have a sex problem i.e very fast exhaust
i have always back pain on my right hip joint
Thanks for writing to us.
As far as belly fat is concerned, there are several measures that you can take:
a. Eat small meals at frequent intervals. You should be eating every 2-3 hours
b. Have an early dinner.
c. Have a heavy breakfast
d. Cut down on fried food, sweets, oily food, drinks, and substitute with healthier alternatives
e. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
f. Exercise (walk/jog/skip/run/swim) for at least 50 minutes daily 5 days a week. Also, do strength training 2-3 times a week
g. Practice kapalbhati pranayama daily for 15-30 minutes daily.
These things will definitely help.
For the sexual problem, the following exercises will help:
a. Kegel's exercise: Here, you need to repeatedly contract and relax the muscles you use when you need to hold back urine. This needs to be done sitting on your chair when you are actually not trying to hold back urine.
b. Squeeze technique: In this, the female partner needs to start arousing the man. When the man feels that he is almost at the point of ejaculation, she should stop arousing him. She then needs to squeeze the head for between 10 to 20 seconds. She then lets go and waits for another 30 seconds before resuming masturbation. This process is carried out several times before ejaculation is allowed to occur.
c. Stop-go technique- It is similar to the squeeze technique except that the woman does not squeeze the penis.
As far as the pain in the hip joint is concerned, I would like you to answer the following questions:
a. What is your height and weight?
b. What is your profession?
c. Since when do you have the pain?
d. Does the pain travel to your legs?
e. Is there tingling or numbness in your legs? Is there any weakness in the legs?
f. Does anybody in the family have tuberculosis?
g. Do you have any fever, weight loss or loss of appetite?
h. Do you have redness or swelling in that area?
I look forward to your answers. hope this is useful
Let me know if you have any more questions
answers for the above Questions
a) height is 5 feet 8 inches.
b) i am in Railway services.
c) not sure but from 6 months
d) No.
e) No.
f) No.
g) No.
h) No.
thanks for writing back
as for the inability to control urine is concerned we would need to do additional tests like a check for diabetes. please see your general physician for that
as for the back pain it could be due to excessive weight, muscle spasm, wrong posture. but since you do have the pain for the last 6 months, I would suggest you see an orthopedic surgeon and get an examination done. we may also need to do a x XXXXXXX and a MRI depending on the examination findings.
hope that helps