Suffering From Diarrhoea, Waist Pain And Weakness In Leg. What Cure Should Be Done?
It probably seems like you have an infection in the colon, may be a non-specific colitis.
Nothing to worry, get a stool routine done.
Consider taking a course of oral antibiotics that contains the drugs that are active for intestinal infections like Fluroquinolones along with Metronidazole for a minimum of three days. These are prescription drugs.
Today’s research indicates that a move toward individualizing the dosing of prescription agents is warranted and it can happen only after physical consultation / your doctor will know about these drugs.
In addition, you can take probiotics like Capsule Sporlac thrice daily along with Electral water or ORS solution. Capsule Sporlac and Electral are available over the counter. You do not need prescription for these.
Drink plenty of water and juices. Prepare and eat your food fresh.
The waist pain and weakness in the legs will definitely improve after you take Electral. It is due to electrolyte imbalance.
Get well soon. Let me know if you have more queries.
Take care!
Well, observe your symptoms for 3 more months. If you have these symptoms persistently for 3 days in a month for 3 consecutive months, then we probably have to work on the lines of management of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Answer these 3 questions for me:
Does your symptoms get relieved after passing stools?
Is there a change in the form of your stools?
Do you also have a change in the frequency of your stools?
Get back to me with the answers.