Suffering From Elevated SGPT Level And Elevated Indirect Bilirubin Level. What Should Be Done?
hepatitis B,C , auto immune antibody, anti nuclear antibody, liver kidney antibody are negative, but alpha TNR was 23.... liver ultrasound shows slighty enlarged liver with fatty infiltrartion....
fibroscan shows the level of 6.3
cholesterol is 219 , triglycerides is 171 , HDL 33 , LDL 151 VLDL 34.2,
Your lipid levels are high.You are 33years young and I
am not sure if your weight is ideal for your height.
If your body mass index is more than 30+ you are
considered obese.This along with a fatty liver makes
"Metabolic Syndrome" a possibility in your case.
Elevation of Direct Bilirubin indicates more liver
damage.Indirect Bilirubin elevation may indicate
hemolysis or excess destruction of red blood cells.
Sometimes, this may be from certain drugs.
I am glad the doctors have ruled out Hep-B&C and also
autoimmune conditions.
You do need to follow ja low fat diet,take Vit-B Complex
supplements,Vit-E 800 i.u daily along with 1000mg.Vit-C.
Make sure your blood sugar is normal.
Hope this is helpful.
Wish you well.
Avoid alcohol and excercise regularly.