Suffering From Low Grade Fever With Vomiting, Low Appetite And Night Sweats. What Should I Do?
The blood work shows high white cell (0000) and high ERS 144. Sugar level is at 86 (fasting).
Xray on the abdominal showed nothing so far.
Your white cell count and ESR are too high which in short indicates infection in your body. And due to infection you are getting fever for the time.
As you are suffering from vomiting there is more provability that infection in present in your GI track in form of Typhoid fever, Peptic ulcers or inflammation of the track.
To get rid from this problem you needs:
1. A proper effective course of antibiotic with other conservative treatment.
2. Antiemetic Drugs like Ondansetron for vomiting.
3. Paracetamol for fever.
4. PPI inhibitors like Pantaparazole for gastric discomfort.
5. Keep your self hydrated. Use boiled water or RO filter water.
6. Take light food in multiple doses. Make sure that food is made fresh.
7. Can take all kind of fruits.
Consult your Physician as soon as possible and get your treatment started in proper dose and duration as you need an immediate antibiotic to settle down the infection. There are batteries of other investigations you may need but it is better to go step by step. Keep following you doctor and advises given by him time to time.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be happy to answer your other query.
Best Wishes and get well soon.
Dr. Kulbir Singh