Suffering From Meningioma. Eyesight Affected By Radiotherapy. What Treatment Should Be Done?
I am now being advised to have radiotherapy as it is affecting my eyesight. I am reluctant to carry on with this due to the side affects and the fact that I am almost recovered from severe pancreatitus (April 2012) which I almost didnt survive. Removal of gall bladder (June 2012) and am currently being treated for a kidney stone blocking a tube.Possibly due to dialysis during 6 weeks in intensive care. This has now been broken into 4 but one piece proving stubborn. Can you advise on best way to deal with tumour please? I am concerned as our daughter will be getting married May 2014 and don't want her memories of me in the photos looking ill. I am 60 years old.
Sorry to hear about your problem but I am glad that you are seeking medical attention for the same. I can see that you are suffering from multiple problems which are taking a toll on your daily activities. The brain tumor which has spread along the optic nerve from the brain can unfortunately not be removed surgically due to its position. Radiotherapy will reduce the tumor but will not cure it and it will affect your eye sight to a certain extent. If you do not take any treatment for the tumor, it is soon going to involve the nerve (which will lead to visual problems) and spread to other places as well.
In my opinion, you should take radiotherapy so that it prevents the spread of the cancer to other places.
I hope I have addressed your query. Please feel free to clarify any other point if you like.
Rohan Khandelwal
Surgical Oncologist