Suffering From Panic Disorder. Prescribed Parocen, Tetrafol And Lonazep. Increased The Dose Of Parocen. Remedy?
I understand your concerns for your husband. While panic disorder is a very difficult condition to treat, your husband's psychiatrist has him on the correct medications. I believe that your husband was having a sugar pill effect after taking the medication initially and it usually is the case in many psychiatric disorders. You usually have a placebo effect initially, which is more related to your being in a good therapeutic relationship with your psychiatrist. Paroxetine usually takes about 2-3 weeks to set in and the gradual titration of the dose to a higher level has to take effect and it will take another 2-3 weeks to see any visible changes in his panic attacks and distress. Meanwhile, I would advise you to call and inform his psychiatrist about the reaction. I believe that Lonazep is a medication that is more effective in combating anxiety more quickly although paroxetine is likely to be his long term medication. One option that you might want to discuss with the psychiatrist would be to increase the dose of lonazep for a short time till the effects of the paroxetine set in.
Please rest assure that he is not suffering from the same problem due to the increase in the dose of the medication. I hope this helps answer your question and allays your worries about your husband.
Let know if you have any questions regarding this. Take care and have a lovely day!
Dr. Sushil Kumar Sompur
There are no problems with you having any difficulty in conceiving a baby with your husband being on the medication. I hope this helps.
Take care of yourself and have a lovely day!
Once you find that paroxetine is the right SSRI for him, and he has been on his adequate dose, it is appropriate to leave him on that dose for about 4-6 months before tapering him off of the medications and you can monitor the response at that time along with your husband. I hope this helps answer your question.
Take care and have a lovely day!