Suffering From Severe Back Pain. MRI Showed Lumber Degenerative Disc. Suggest Exercise.
Thank you for posting your query.
Lumbar disc disease at L1-2 and L2-3 can cause compression of the lumbar (lower back) nerves, giving rise to pain in the back and sometimes leg pain.
Physiotherapy is the mainstay of therapy. The most useful exercises are called as back extension exercises. In this, you need to lie down with face down position, and raise your leg one by one, holding each leg up for about ten seconds. In the next part, you can raise one leg and the opposite arm (for example- right leg and left arm), similarly holding them up for 10 seconds. Please do them each for about ten minutes twice daily.
In addition, you should avoid lifting heavy weights and bending directly forwards.
I hope it helps.
Please get back if you require any additional information.
Best wishes,
Dr Sudhir Kumar MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Neurology) XXXXXXX Consultant Neurologist
Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad,
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