Suffering From Sleep Disorder. What Medication Should I Take?
Your question is a good one and I will work on providing you with some information and recommendations.
Insomnia can be very difficult to deal with. There are several medication options which are available. Sometimes it might be necessary to place a patient on a long-term prescription of an antidepressant which the patient might take for a few months until the sleeping issue is under control.
Temazepam is a very good long-acting sleep assistant. It might take a couple of weeks for this medication to really work well so I would urge you to be patient.
If you still have difficulty with sleeping after that you might consider talking to your doctor about a low-dose antidepressant.
Also it is extremely important that you maintain a very well-balanced diet as well as participate in a regular exercise program where you exercise at least three or four days per week. This is extremely important and really significantly can improve your ability to sleep if you exercise regularly.
Thanks again for sending your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful. If you have any additional concerns please let me know.
Dr. Robert