Suffering From Stomach Ache. Blood Test, Abdominal And Pelvis Ultrasound Test Done. Looking For Advice
Most of the reports are o.k other than the following things.
In Blood Reports E.S.R is 30mm/hr.
They Did Abdominal&Pelvis ultrasound test
Result is as below.
Liver Measures 13.3cm,shows evidence diffusely increased echo genecity.
No evidence of any solid or cystic intra-hepatic lesion noted.
The portal and hepatic veins appear normal.
no evidence of any dilated intra or extra hepatic biliary radicals noted.
Right Kidney Measures 9.9*1.7cms
Left Kidney Measures 9.9*1.5 cms
shows evidance of calculus measuring 3 mm in the lower pole of the left kidney.
Post Hesterectomy status.
After Checking all these One Doctor told this condition is
Colonic Diverticulus.
and suggested Following tests
CET abdomin & Pelvis
serum creatinine EMC
My Question is what would be the result of the above test. Is it much required.
Thanks for the query.
Your mother is having pain abdomen for past 3 months and ultrasound abdomen shows increased diffuse echogenecity in liver and a small stone in left kidney.
The doctor has diagnosed it as chronic diverticulitis.
Echogenicity is the ability to create an echo, i.e. return a signal in ultrasound examinations. Increased echogenicity of the liver usually means that there is fatty infiltration in parts of the liver. In certain causes a focal area of increased echogenicity would indicate a discrete mass. However, in your case, a diffuse increase would mean a fatty liver.
Your doctor is right in ordering a CECT abdomen,as it would help in diagnosing the exact cause of stomach pain which will pave the way for the proper treatment.
You are most welcome to ask for any follow up query.
Best of luck