Suffering From Tiredness And Headaches. Developed Rashes All Over Body, Sore Throat And Mild Fever
Thanks for the query,
I understand your concern
Basically you have two issues 1. headache which is there for then past several months which can be due to migraine, tension headache, brain infection etc. I think it can be related to migraine 2. Recent onset of headache with sore throat, skin rash- this can be related to infection which may be viral/bacterial infections or rarely could be related to medication allergy if you are on any medications.
You need a physical examination to clarify the diagnosis and if you any investigations or not. I think you may consult a local physician to resolve this new problem first and then we can help you take medications/ other methods to resolve the migraine
Hope this helps
Please get back to me in case you have any other concern
Best wishes