Suffering Heavy Body Pain During Periods. Any Solution To Relieve Pain ?
could you tell me why it is happen.and is there any solution to avoid the pain.
Plz prescribed a pain killer which will give her some relax.
She is not pregnant now.also I am avoiding sex with her because she is continuing her study.only once i had sex with her.
other problems she has:- Weakness
:-digestion problem
Thanks for the query.
The condition you are describing is called dysmenorrhoea.
It is seen commonly in most women. All most 95 -97% women face such problems. If there are no disturbances in her periods or if she has no other associated symptoms such as vaginal discharge, fever, difficulties while passing urine and so on, there is no reason to worry.
As far as treating pain is concerned, I would suggest you to consult a gynecologist for physical examination. Following evaluation, he/she can prescribe you antispasmodic drug which can prevent pain.
In the mean time, home measures such as hot compresses over the lower abdomen and massages can help. Over the counter analgesics such as ibuprofen can be useful on some occasions.
Be assured it is not a serious problem and will be redressed by assurance and proper treatment.
Dr. J. Ticku
is thre any problem behind this.
No, the periods can be delayed because of a number of simple reasons and it is not to be worried if it is for the first time. If it continues to be irregular it is prudent to take the Gynecologists advice after an examination.
The pain during menstruation may be an inflammatory process in the pelvis because of any infection possibly introduced earlier by improper hygiene. Sometimes there is no true explanation for dysmenorrhoea.
Even newly married ladies get cystitis.
Let me know if you have any queries further, if not please close the discussion and rate my answer.
Dr. J. Ticku