Sugegst Treatment For Chronic Bladder Neck Sphincter Spasm
pelvic spasm
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It is important to rule out if there is bladder neck obstruction which gives unemptying sensation. Bladder neck obstruction needs correction by dilatation of the passage or surgical measures to relieve the constriction. If the pathological condition is ruled out and there is only pelvic muscle spasm one needs reassurance, adequate mental and physical rest complete stress free atmosphere, adequate fluid intake, less of high calorie and fatty diets, yogic exercises and may be some muscle relaxant drugs. Also weight reduction measures are also required.
As the pelvic muscle spasm is a chronic process and thus will go gradually if the above measures are adhered to.
Dr. J. Ticku
Bladder neck spasm.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting. I think after surgery it needed dilatation. yes hypnotic measures, psychological counselling and yogic exercises could be tried to achieve relaxation along with working on your diet schedule.
Dr. Ticku
bladder neck obstruction
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Botox is actually used to tighten the muscles which are loose. You are already having spasm and this will aggravate your problem.
You need physical and mental relaxation. You can also try to immerse your bottom in tolerable hot water tub.
Dr. Ticku