Suggest Alternatives To Asthalin Inhaler As It Is Causing Dry Mouth
There are various other inhalers available.
Detailed Answer:
Asthalin inhaler contains salbutamol beta receptor agonists,which is a very good bronchodilator with side effects like tachycardia, palpitations, mouth irritation,headache,tremors etc..
Alternatively you can take Terbutaline inhaler which has thecsame bronchodilator effect but has lesser side effects than salbutamol.
Steroid inhalers like beclometasone,budesonide,fluticasone and mometasone in which budesonide and fluticasone is commonly used.
They are asthma preventive inhalers by reducing the inflammation of airways preventing spasm of bronchioles and bronchi due to any triggering factors.
You can also have a choice of taking long term bronchodilators like salmeterols and formeterols,both are beta agonists bronchodilators used in condition when asthma control can not be achieved by steroids inhalers alone.
There are various combinations of steroid with long acting bronchodilators like salmeterol with fluticasone or formeterol with budesonide.
In addition,leukotrienes modifiers and immune modulators are also available but in a oral form rather than inhalation but having a good asthma control.
Consult your pulmonologist before changing treatment.
Hope you will understand it very well.