Suggest Ayurvedic Treatment For Chronic Hepatitis B Infection
Is there any remedy fro chronic hepatitis B in Ayaurveda.
Hepatitis Management
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting Ayurveda with your health concern and going by the definition it implies that inflammation is there in the liver so before proceeding forward with treatment aspect do furnish the following details:
1. Health of liver:
. Any addiction?
. Any intake of hepato toxic drugs,
. Reports of Liver enzymes, Prothrombin Time, Protein value, Bilirubin level?
2. Since there is abdominal discomfort and occasional stomache thus check with Ultrasonography for liver architecture since chronic hepatits in long term leads to "cirrhosis" of liver.
3. Is he and family memebers immunized against the infection: active or passive?
Do revert back for further assistance.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant & Physician
reports are not there.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back.
Since therr are no attached reports with your follow up query, either you have not attached the same or ask the moderator of the site to do the needful which will help me to further develop your treatment protocol.
Dr. Munish
Management/Eradication of Hep. B in HBV CARRIER
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back and following is the managememt schedule:
1. Since the investigations are within normal range thus following protocol can be incorporated:
i. Prognosis is not bad but worse with increasing age.
ii. signs and symptoms observed in HBV can be compared with the Swatantra Kamala/Koshta Shakhashrit XXXXXXX
iii. Fat free diet,no oil,ghee and fried foods.
iv. Boiled water for all at home
v. Personal hygiene amd cleanilnes
vi. Use disposable needles and syringes
vii. Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri) is a well known drug to prevent the replication of HBV virus,thereby controlling viraemia.
PS. Take it either in powder or tablet form
viii. Virechana (purgation) is the best line of treatment for this disease thus one can Trivrit Lehya.
ix. XXXXXXX lauha, kutki churan, haritaki churan, and XXXXXXX arishta are recommended medicines.
Dr. Munish