Suggest Diet To Keep Cholesterol And Blood Perssure Level Under Control
My S.cholesterol 230, LDL - 157, HDL - 50
My Blood sugar fasting - 112, pp - 186
Uric acid - 8.2
Please advise me for what should my diet chart?
Combination diet low in fat and calories
Detailed Answer:
Greetings..... !!!
As you are aware that to control the blood sugar levels it is important to maintain a balanced food intake, in terms of composition and timings. One of the most important thing is to be physically active. If you are not able to carry out intensive workouts, then get started with light walk, deep breathing exercises etc. Simple activities like gardening, playing with kids and walking to the nearby grocery store would keep you active.
In lack of a strict routine even the most perfect diet plans fail to perform and give positive results. Here are some important dietary guidelines for better blood glucose and cholesterol management:
Avoid simple sugars like glucose, honey, candies, sugar, chocolates, ice creams, fried food and refined food like white bread. Fatty dairy products like cheese, cream, mayonnaise and butter are best avoided.. However you are required to maintain a fat intake of 3-4 tsp. per day as it is important for the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and other nutrients.
Restrict fruits rich in carbohydrates like XXXXXXX Sapota, grapes, banana, custard apple and avocado and vegetables like potato, colocasia, yam, pumpkin and tapioca. Eat the allowed fruits along with the skin, to get more fiber. Avoid coconut and its products, except coconut water which may be included in moderation.
Include salads and fresh seasonal vegetables in daily routine. White bread, buns, cake and cookies etc. are to eb strictly avoided. Use soybean, mustard, canola, safflower, rice XXXXXXX olive or corn oil as these are good sources of unsaturated fat. The intake of these should be limited to 4 tsp. per day. Nuts and dry seeds like those of pumpkin and watermelon are good sources of healthy fats that improves HDL cholesterol profile, while helping to control the LDL cholesterol and trans fat levels.
Legumes, pulses, low fat milk and its products are also good sources of quality protein. If you eat non-vegetarian food, than limit the intake of non-veg to lean cuts of chicken fish and take only the whites of egg.
Knowledge about the Glycemic Index (GI) of food is important. GI is a measure that indicates how fast the food would get converted to glucose after digestion. Higher GI value indicates a higher conversion ratio of the diet to glucose. Therefore it is advisable to avoid the foods with high GI values.
High GI foods: potato, banana, grapes, custard apple, sugar and foods that contain sugar, refined cereals and its products like white bread and corn bread, white rice, corn and its products. Also the drinks like boot, XXXXXXX etc. has high GI values as they contain added sugar.
Low GI foods: Low fat dairy, vegetables and fruits (except those mentioned in the high GI list), whole grains and cereals, salads, oats, barley, pulses and non-sugary peanut butter.
In order to manage teh uric acid levels, include plenty of fibrous foods and salads made with split and washed dals, vegetables and fruits like celery, tomato, cabbage, pineapple and berries, non-fatty salads, whole cereals like wheat etc. The dietary fibers absorb uric acid and aids in its elimination.
You may replace the regular Vinegar with Apple cider vinegar, for management of high uric acid levels.
Limiting the intake of red meat, organs, alcohol, processed and fermented oils, whole pulses like rajmah, channa etc. would be helpful as these produce higher quantities of uric acid after the digestion. Avoid vegetables like green peas, French beans, Brinjal, cauliflower and mushroom, restrict the intake of fruits like, sapota and custard apple to manage the high uric acid levels.
It’s recommended to consider the following points –
• Drink plenty of water,
• Reduce the salt intake
• Avoid processed and bakery food
• Include coffee and tea in the diet
• Always consume low fay dairy products
• Do not combine two or more foods mentioned in the foods to avoid list.
Hope this satisfies your query.