Suggest Dosage For Nitrofurantoin And Amoxicillin
Get Urine Culture
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcaremagic.
Hi, I am Dr Anshul Varshney , I have read your query in detail , I understand your concern.
Any Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) needs evaluation for it's cause as well as treatment with appropriate antibiotics based on the Urine Culture & Sensitivity.
The common causes of UTI are Diabetes Stones in renal tract and Sexually transmitted.
You need to get an Ultrasound Abdomen and Urine culture.
If any stone is found you would be treated based on size, site of stone.
If Urine infection is found you would be given antibiotics based on culture report.
If you have any ongoing fever, you doctor would take your urine for culture and sensitivity and will start you on antibiotics that would be modified based on the culture report.
Drink plenty of water. Urine Alkalizers help in symptomatic relief.
Nitrofurantoin is a drug which is very effective for UTI, and mostly we get good organism susceptibility with it. However, a culture should be performed.
The dose is based on the patient's severity of infection, age and weight.
I usually prefer to give 100 mg twice daily for an appropriate action.
But since it is a prescription drug, you should see your doctor, who would decide the appropriate dosages for you.
Amoxycillin is not the preferred drug in cases of UTI. However, if culture reports susceptibility, we do use it.
This is my personal opinion based on details available here. If you still have any other query, you may please ask me.
Stay Healthy.
Dr Anshul Varshney , MD