Suggest Remedies For An Open Wound After Gall Bladder Surgery
Please give some details for me to comment.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Ma'am,
Welcome to Health Care Magic.
Thank you for your question.
I need to ask a few questions before I proceed with my opinion.
What mesh was placed for the hernias and how big was it?
Did they remove any part of the mesh in any of the debridement?
How big is the wound now and is the mesh visible?
Can I see a photo of the present status of the wound?
What is your current BMI?
I think its quite a normal course of surgeries. If it is a complicated Gall bladder surgery then hernia complications are expected. You unfortunately have had the added ordeal of debridement and I can understand your pain and disbelief in the medical fraternity.
That is expected. Please do try and understand that each persons' body reacts differently to different procedures. Your body has reacted in this manner and Surgeons are by your side to overcome this issue.
Please don't give up. You need to be strong and hold in there. You will recover completely. It is not like a cancer or life threatening illness, so don't worry.
If you can send a photo I can guide you the best management modality for your wound, you can upload it in the reports section.
Take care and do let me know the answers to my questions and if there are any queries.