Suggest Remedies For Gastrointestinal Issues

thank you for a better answer it appears that you read the question. As for the urinary infection which was the first one I ever had. that was taken care with antibiotics. The first time too, an antibiotic caused a reaction. But the urine infection was cleared up. The NP called in a prescription for Bactrim which he said is good for a year. If I have any frequency or discomfort I can take it. when I need it. So I have it on hand ...... they can't be sure but whatever bacteria entered a bug of some sort may be the reason for the UTI.
I already have an appetite I get hungry . no pain no vomiting. but would like a normal Bowel movement. right now it is getting better, the growling stomach not as bad but could be better. Yes mentally I have a problem I been in discussion groups re; this phobia there are many like me. I'm thinking of trying therapy. I do overthink my medical symptoms at times. you are right. I have been trying to eat fiber. scares me a little because I feel it will make it worse, but I did eat squash and the next day it was better. not good enough but not so loose. not much coming out I'm sure there must be much fecal matter that should be released. I 'm a little afraid right now to take a laxative. hoping this continues to get better. At least you gave it a name. and I hope for my panic you are right
I'm giving it a few more days. hopefully it will continue. I hope this isn't a dumb question but in May I fractured my wrist and had to have surgery with a nerve block, I had all kinds of IVs could that have contributed to this even if it was 2 mos. ago. I thank you you've been helpful at least I got something for my
last time I'll bother you. Dr Ulabidin, gave a decent answer but I now know what he diagnosed isn't the problem.. I thank him for his time, and loved hearing the words you are not that ill....but what he describes is more for people who are alcoholics I don't drink extremely moderate wine with dinner once in awhile ....I don't understand using antacids aren't they for heartburn I don't have any thing like that. No pain no fever no vomiting feel pretty well except for the panic ...it's just growling stomach and that air has to be released usually in the morning and it comes out in flatulence with fecal matter. NOT DIARRHEA, I have an appetite just not sure what to eat not to eat something that brings on the growling and fecal matter expulsion some fecal matter. It is better than it was... I 'm hoping it's what I was told by someone, that the gut ecosystem has been unbalanced due to some sort of bug. Eating yogurt vegetables and fruit may put it back on track. I'd like to take a laxative, but a little afraid to. As for physical activity hard to do when you're depressed and in a panic state. Also love to hang out with friends as I use to , but with growling stomach afraid to eat things because not sure what is going to happen a loose movement thanks again just from things I heard can't believe it's gastritis, also some say that's a precursor to cancer.
please Tell dr. Ulabidin. where on earth did he read prolonged use of antibiotics in my question... I never said that.... I took 3 pills in 2 days and the UTI cleared up. he misread everything... the surgery was just as an outpatient to correct a fractured wrist I just thought that perhaps some of the medication I had to have that ONE day may be a cause. Are they really doctors on this site. My FREE advice was the best I received the other opinion said some sort of bug that disrupted the ecosystem ....I'm doing better...... I don't want and endoscopy as I'm sure not necessary. sorry I spent 15.00 I don't think they read questions thoroughly or can only deal with things like a headache a cold etc. Sorry but I 'm not too impressed. And not a good idea to bring up the word Cancer to someone already panic ridden this was not a good idea at all sorry I did never again. I hope he receives this again are they really doctors.
Relax, you will be fine with a few temporary dietary modifications.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear ma'am,
Thank you for using healthcaremagic for your health concerns, and I apologize on behalf of the other doctor who could not satisfy you.
This is Dr Yogesh, I am one of the doctors with healthcaremagic.com who make sure that the answers given by other doctors are good, so I hope I will be able to address your concern adequately and help you with your apprehension and panic.
I have gone through your problem carefully and I think I understand what is going on pretty well.
From what you have described till now, your symptoms fit with a mild irritation of the stomach and intestines, as you mentioned, this appears to be primarily due to a bug you caught on and you will improve without any problem whatsoever, so please relax and let things settle down.
And yes, yogurt will help with settling things down faster.
You do not have any major problem at all and trust me, with a few measures that I suggest, you will be fit again in no time.
All your symptoms can be attributed to the bug and the short course of antibiotics you took for the UTI...
As for the UTI, drink plenty of water, cranberry juice will also be helpful.
Now, coming to the gastrointestinal issues...
1. Avoid spicy or oily foods.
2. Drink plenty of water.
3. Avoid smoked and grilled meat, properly cooked meat if fine in moderate quantities.
4. Include yogurt in your meals for 10 days.
5. Take Lactobacillus spores (The brand names vary from country to country - You might ask for any of these Acidophilus, Florajen, Acidophilus Probiotic Blend). Mix one XXXXXXX of the probiotic with water of yogurt and consume it twice a day.
6. Take tablet Prilosec 20 mg (which is easily available over the counter -without prescription), twice a day for 10 days.
7. Reduce the amount of pulses and cereals for the time being.
8. Take an antispasmodic like dicyclomine 10 mg (bentyl) twice daily after the meals.
9. Eat soft foods that are well cooked for a while.
These measures will reduce the flatulence, fullness and most other symptoms that you are experiencing right now.
With these measures, you will improve in no time and all your fears will be put to rest.
Do not worry about things I have not addressed here, that is because they are not significant.
I hope this addresses your concerns, please do feel free to write back to me if you have any doubts or if you need further clarification.
Wishing you good health.
Warm regards

thank you aga
It will settle down soon if you follow my above advice.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again,
Thank you for writing back and more importantly, trusting me.
It is a temporary issue and will settle down soon.
In my opinion, what might have happened is, the normal gut bacteria are replaced by ones which make more flatulence, this usually occurs as a result of taking some of the antibiotics and will improve promptly when the normal bacteria are supplemented, hence my advice to take probiotics which contain the good bacteria.
You will be fine soon, please follow the instructions I provided in my earlier response.
Wishing you good health and speedy recovery.
Warm regards.

You are welcome to bother me. Stop worrying, give it some time.
Detailed Answer:
Hello Ms Lanoj,
Thank you once again for writing to me with details and clarifications.
Let me first reassure you again, your symptoms do not indicate any serious problem or disease, and don't think of cancer, it is not that.
Let us forget UTI too since you have no symptoms of UTI now.
As for the gut related problems, occasional small loose stools are not even considered significant symptom at all. Bowel habits change following some upset, and they will return to normal.
A contributing factor is your anxiety, anxiety can itself cause occasional loose stools and inability to hold back so please relax and let your body get back to it's earlier state.
I would urge you to start the measures advised by me in my first response, give it 10 days time and see how things go... I am pretty sure that you will be perfectly fine with those measures in 10 days.
If at all you do not improve after 10 days of following my advise, then we will consider other possibilities.
I will be available to answer any doubt or concern you might have at any time, have absolutely nothing to be worried about in that matter at all, you can bother me any number of times and I consider it my privilege to be of use to someone who is thousands of miles away.
Wishing you good health once again.
Best regards

Because I was afraid constipation would add to the problem ....I've never had anything like this so that's why the anxiety. I witness a couple of people with colon cancer and it was dreadful and horrible. I would rather die then go through what they did wasting away. I think Doctors should keep them sedated until they pass. just my opinion. Because there is no pain no blood no nausea, I feel maybe it's not serious. I just don't know what it could be. thank you for the info.
I mentioned anxiety as a contributing factor, not the primary cause.
Detailed Answer:
I am sorry to have lead you to misunderstand what I said.
A contributing factor is something that adds to the already existing issue, anxiety in and of itself is not the primary cause for your symptoms, but when severe, it can make things worse, so please stop worrying.
These symptoms are not of colon cancer, not everything you read on internet is accurate, so I would not recommend you to simply believe everything that you come across in self help groups and support groups.
Stop thinking about cancers.
If you are seeing some improvement with laxatives, you may continue it. But in my humble opinion, you will see much better improvement if you follow the advice I provided in my first response.
Please take Omeprazole (prilosec 20 mg twice a day, before meals for 10 days), avoid smoked and grilled meat, take an anti-spasmodic like dicyclomin (bentyl), and please do take Lactobacillus spores twice a day...
If you follow this simple advice, you will improve tremendously within 2 days and you will automatically stop worrying.
Without you following my advice, I do not think there is anything much I can do.
I hope you will understand the point I wish to make.
Wishing you good health again.

You are being very kind and patient with a very bad patient. Medical phobia, is due to bad experiences with doctors. There are many people like me. I come from a generation, If you had any illness, you called a local Gen'l pract.
and you'd go to their office some people would just walk in, and sometimes sat for an 1 hr. or so. waited your turn in a waiting room of people. They would treat you for a bad cold ,flu, strep throat etc. If they suspected anything they would go further with it, and were extremely gentle and kindly. It wasn't the end of the world if you didn't have a regular doctor, or medical history... Not so now. today doctors are in a hurry they don't know their patients, some rude, in my day they made house calls. They got to know you. They knew who were anxiety prone and were gentle with them. I'm sorry to bother you with this, and bore you with it, but thought you'd need to understand....One incident I had that exacerbated this anxiety problem.. I had a breast lump I went directly to a GYN a woman, she said you have a mass it has to come out. I said couldn't it be a cyst, she got half way out of her chair and said in a very loud voice, I'm not telling you things you want to hear it's a mass it has to come out. I was stunned I never knew a doctor like this. she was abrupt through the whole visit. luckily a surgeon was across the hall he was as nice as she was rude. He said I understand your horror, and you're going to be happy if a very few mins. He did a needle biopsy said I feel about 98 % sure you're OK. she should have said let's consult with the surgeon. I' m not a doctor but at least I know that much. I know this is rambling on and I'm sorry but thought it was time you know why I over react to things. and that was only one incident there was another a misdiagnosis, but I've bored you enough. I don't know what I have it's some sort of digestive upset and I've thought of all the worse things it could be. my stomach will rumble, on and off, sometimes not bad sometimes often, that's why I have anxiety (this started before the anxiety)... the bowel movements aren't what they were, I never had a growling stomach, so naturally I'm in anxiety and it's been going on for awhile. these are all firsts for me... I feel it has to be something serious.I like to think some sort of bacteria is to blame, but I doubt that's the case. I'm not doubting what you say, but I don't know how anti acids can help this. I 'm doing the yogurt I don't see any change at all. I feel like I have no future now I don't plan anything, ....sorry looks like I wrote a book, I won't do this again If I write back it will probably be to thank you. You've been very kind and patient.

Calm down, I am here to help, you do not have anything major.
Detailed Answer:
Hell again,
Thank you for getting back to me with your history, it does give me a better idea as to why you have such severe anxiety.
I will address your questions one by one, in reverse order.
I do not think it is IBS, primarily because, IBS would not manifest at your age, IBS is a functional disorder, and if it were to manifest itself, it would have been at a much earlier age, (less than 40). That said, it could be remote possibility because you had a kind of stomach bug, following which you developed these symptoms and you are also very panicky, I not inclined to consider that yet until there is no response to the medications and measures advised by me earlier.
Regarding the stomach rumbling and occasional loose stools, flatulence, I would like to ask you a few questions... Please answer them point wise so that I get as much information as possible.
1. Please tell me exactly since how many days, months or weeks you have been having these symptoms?
2. Please give me one good reason why you are so hesitant to follow through the simple advise I gave you in my first response.
3. Please mention the exact number of times in a day you need to go to toilet and pass stools.
4. What is the consistency and colour of stools, and also mention the amount in each episode.
5. Do you pass at least one motion that looks normal and feels normal?
6. Please elaborate stomach rumbling, by rumbling do you mean to say that you feel your stomach rolling or contracting, or do you intend to say just noises? And can you describe the exact location of these rumblings, are they spread out across the whole abdomen, or are they confined to area above the navel?
7. Do you have to strain to pass stools?
8. Do you have any regurgitation, or sour tasting reflux from the stomach into the oesopahgus?
9. Do you have diabetes, or hypertension.
10. Please list all the medicines you are currently taking for any or all problems you have right now.
You have mentioned that this is the first time ever that something like this has happened, that is a clear indication that this is not IBS.
And as for advising antacids, the antacids will sooth the stomach and reduce the irritation, this irritation is what is responsible for the rumbling and flatulence.
I can understand your frustration and anxiety, you are not alone in this, and some doctors forget that they are dealing with people with problems and think that they know everything, that leads to the experiences you have had.
You must let go of it, it has been a long time since that experience, not all doctors are alike, and a vast majority do understand what a patient goes through.
I am very please to be of help to you and I would like to do as much as possible, but I have one request for you, you need to trust me on this.
Please follow the advice I gave in my first response.
Without you following those measures, we will be stuck right here without going any further in understanding what is going on.
I wish you good health once again.
Kind regards

1. how long about 3 wks.
2. I 'm not really hesitatant....I do use the yogurt. I didn't take anti acids because I don't see what they have to do with this. But since you ask I"ll try it. part of this phobia is medication.
3 number of times to go... --sometimes once, sometimes twice Also I feel it's flatulence but something always comes out sometimes not. a little spurt is the only way I can describe it.
4 consistency ----sometimes there is a substance mostly loose sometimes a lot sometimes not. color brown no blood that I can see, and I don't have pain.
5 sometimes I've had something a little normal then back to loosness.
6. growling comes and goes. sometimes during the night sometimes not at all
if I eat something it can start... then again it doesn't always. mostly it's around the naval area mostly below the naval. Or it seems to be
7. straining only when I wasn't going then took a laxative. I try not to eat too
much for fear it will start something. but when I get hungry enough I do.
and I thought I'm putting a lot in and nothing is coming out so I felt I ' d
better take a laxative. first time I've taken one
8 no regurgitation....no sour taste...once there was like a sour stomach but it passed quickly
9 my blood pressure is a little high I feel due to a recent weight gain.
10 no medications.
In the past certain foods have caused a loose bowel movment couple of hours after eating but I've always had that doesn't happen very often and my family has had that happen and some friends of mine have had it.
I thank you for your time, but now I'm fearing that I'm never going to have a bowel movement again. I think maybe it is a bug of some sort that started this but not sure any more. I'm trying to get up the courage to find out but so far not so good, I'm afraid of social situations due to this. . the day I took the laxative it worked a few hrs. later. the next morning after a very light breakfast awhile after,I felt and urge and rushed to the bathroom and had a slight accident but had a good amt. of fecal matter. I think the laxative may have had something.to do with it, , but would that go into the next day? I sometimes have small stools sometimes not at all. some days better than others. I'm trying hard to go find out, but hate the thought of tests, and waiting for results that can be bad news. which now I think may well be. I don't fear death it's how I die. I know I need to see a therapist which is less frightening, than a doctor. Other than this problem I feel fine. No vomiting no pain. but I'll try the antiacids. Is tums or whatever other be OK does it have to be omapro. I never know which foods to eat always wondering if it 's going to cause something. But then I get so hungry I have to. this came on very suddenly...and that make me wonder. I Wish I could have normal bowel movements...
You have nothing to worry, start probiotics, you will be fine.
Detailed Answer:
Hello again, welcome back.
Thank you for answering all the questions.
First of all, I reaffirm that you are not suffering from anything major.
All your symptoms can be attributed to the bug.
I have treated such cases and I am positive that you will benefit from taking proboitics (lactobacillus sporogenes/acidophilus).
Antiacids will help by decreasing the acid secretion in the stomach, when the stomach is irritated it secretes more acid and that acid irritates the small intestines which leads to gurgling and increased motility of the small intestine.
The bug you contracted 3 weeks ago is responsible for setting these things in motion, it has altered the normal microbial flora of your gut.
This is why you should take probiotics to get that microbial flora back to normal.
You need not take omeprazole if you are not inclined to, but it is available easily over the counter... Any medicine, if available as OTC, clearly means that it is very safe. So safe that you can take it even without the prescription of a doctor.
In place of omeprazole, you can take an antihistamine such as ranitidine. Tums may not be effective.
If yogurt is not helping, you may very well stop taking it.
You are not at all wasting my time, it is my duty to make sure you are benefiting from our interaction.
I again request you to trust me on this, and follow the measures outlined in my first response. They will not harm you, you will improve very fast, I have no intention to cause any harm to you, I do honestly care for my patients and their well being, that is why I am happy to help you with your issues, that is why I took over from another doctor who was not being very helpful.
If you do not mind me asking you, could you please let me know a little bit about your family, are you living alone? Do you have anyone to take care of you?
I hope I have been able to assuage your fears a little bit at the very least.
Take care.

As for my family my husband had a stroke, and has to be in a nursing home, which to me is so terrible. Heartbreaking .....it's been close to 2 yrs. I doubt if it has to do with this, I been handling it pretty well, and bringing him home for day visits, with transportation in what is called a cabulance I can't get him into a car his left side is as they say in neglect. the visit is for 2 or 3 hrs.. I'm with him as much as possible. my son came back to help, I don't live a alone I also have a very helpful daughter who lives about 1/2 hr. away. I don't really need care outside of this fear and problem I take care of myself and feel fine. I was always very active, did things like painting rooms in the house, I use to mow the lawn, until my husband retired. my son takes care of that. most people remark how young I look, I'm not boasting just trying to give you an idea of what I'm like, I'm not elderly in the sense that I can't care for myself I don't need any kind of personal care...I'm doing that very well....Several aides at the nursing home said they were so surprised that I was 74, because I'm so youthful looking. they thought 60s maybe, I've always looked younger. Again I'm not bragging I want you to have an idea of what I'm like physically. outside of this I'm healthy I assume I'm healthy. I just wish I could shake this terrible thing and phobia, the depression.... I continue to do duties even with fear,
I had surgery for a fractured wrist in May. I handled it very well. yesterday the orthopedist said x rays are perfect he said you'd never know you had a fracture. It's just under 3 mos. this is good for someone my age. And I never was a milk drinker. I doubt if the surgery had anything to do with the bowel problem . the bowel thing is what exacerbated the phobia. If you're asking about my history, outside of the usual things I've been pretty healthy. I had whooping cough at 3mos. old, I survived because the doctor said my mother breast fed me. Most infants in my generation died from it. . I had strep throat once had penicillin and got over it with no problems I had pneumonia a few yrs. back it was in it's early stages was helped with antibiotics. no problems after at all, I've had all the childhood diseases...My father died at 84, mother 94.
I'm going to be eating yogurt again with fruit is once a day OK or should it be more twice??? and I"ll take an anti acid, not that I doubt you, but I don't seem to have an acid problem no heartburn. I would love to find out why this is happening and to have a normal bowel movement again. Outside of a couple of times and because of the laxative, I haven't had one. with the laxative it was loose but at least something came out. I saw what a couple of people looked like with colon cancer, it was terrible, so I can't get it out of my mind. I 'd rather die.. everyday I feel this will correct itself but now I see, it may never happen, I wish I had the courage to find out. eventually I probably will have to. .I wish I could be sedated...... in short unconscious for days and let them perform all kinds of tests. I wish it could be done I'm sure it will never be possible. thanks again you're being very patient. I'll try to think it's not serious, but so hard to do. I feel I'm at an age something is going to happen.

Relax, eat normal food in adequate quantities, and take the probiotics
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear Mrs Lanoj,
Thank you for writing back with the details.
If you pass stools that are not hard at all, then you shouldn't take laxatives, it will be redundant and will increase the growling.
It is good that you are passing stools.
You must let go of the this irrational fear, it is good to see you acknowledging the actual problem.
Your bowels are just fine, they just need some probiotics and antacids like omeprazole, and if the growling is your main concern, you will definitely feel instant relief with a single dose of OTC antispasmodic like Anaspaz (contains Hyoscyamine), or Bentyl (Dicyclomine).
I am not even suggesting you prescription medicines, everything I have mentioned is available over the counter. Just think about it, would the FDA allow these medicines to be sold over the counter if they were not absolutely sure that these medicines are safe for general lay public?
You have gotta make this minimal effort of trying the simple and safe medications I have suggested.
It is good to learn that you have a caring daughter who lives close by... Talk to her about this issue and discuss the suggestions I made till now, this will enable you to feel better.
You will be able to go to your reunion without any worries if you follow my suggestions.
Please, do take the probiotic.
I think this discussion has gone on for far too long without much use and help to you, Please close this query, relax for a few days without constantly harassing yourself over imagined problems.
You do not have cancer, you will only feel worse if you worry more.
Get in touch with me after a break of 2 days, (while following my advice). I will not answer your questions till you follow my suggestions, all of them at least for 2 days. I think, it is the least you can do for my efforts at helping you.
Take care and see you after 2 days.

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