Suggest Remedies For Painful Lymph Nodes In The Armpits

There is nothing which suggests lymphoma you need dermatology consult
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to Health Care magic, I am Dr , Muhammad Ahmad , I have read your question closely, I understand your concern and will be helping you with your health related problem.
Lymph nodes can be palpable in normal people without any major disease, if lymph nodes are larger than normal limit then this is an alarm sign, lymphoma does cause enlarged lymph nodes and bruises but you have to consider if the nodes are large enough to be consider dangerous? Lymphoma has nodes that are real big they can usually be seen from outside without even touching them and the description you have given about your nodes are no way this big.
Secondly lymphoma has many other set of symptoms, like weight loss, night sweats, chachexia, deranged blood works , enlarged liver etc you don't have any of them , generalized fatigue and body aches can be due to other reasons , there is nothing actually which does suggest that you have lymphoma, it's an everyday thing doctors see and not a disease which is easy to be missed. The body aches, rash, bruises must be because of any other reason it will pe appropriate if you can get in touch with a dermatologist regarding that. In my opinion there is no reason to panic and get worries.
I would also suggest you to get counselling sessions to relieve your anxiety.
I hope this answered your question, If you have more queries I am happy to answer you.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad

There is no symptoms of lymphoma i will explain all separately.
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear ,
Thanks for writing back,
There is no way you have lymphoma that has spread to liver, lymphoma has other signs you symptoms are not related to lymphoma.
1) Large lymph node which are even visible externally you don't have to touch them to feel then size.
2) Sudden weight loss about 8-10 kg in a couple of months or even more.
3) Night sweats .
4) Fever.
5) Deranges blood works.
This is impossible to be physically not having any weight loss , jaundice , enlarged swollen liver, fever, night sweat for a person who has lymphoma of later stages. It is also impossible to have normal blood works with no change in WBC liver kidney functions.
Talking about your symptoms:
1)Raynauld's can not be diagnosed by you, it is not just the disorder of nails turning blue, it is a clinical diagnosis in which when nails are exposed to cold they turn blue and when patient it given vaso-dilator nails get fine. Every one can have blue nails in cold but Raynaulds is something else.
2)Joint and body pains can be due to many reasons, anxiety, fatigue , vitamin D deficiency, loss of sleep, not taking enough rest , high alcohol levels in the body.
3) Throbbing can be there due to hangover , our hyper sensitive sensations detect pulsations of arteries in the armpits and elsewhere in the body and one starts feeling throbbing , it has nothing to do with lymphoma.
4) Yeast infections are due to compromised hygiene or local problems it has nothing to do with lymphoma.
5) Rashes after shaving are normal , many people get them , for this you can change shaving method or cosmetics and see if it helps, there is not indication that it is related to lymphoma.
In my opinion you should trust in the doctor who declared you problem free, you should not panic, reading on the internet could mislead you a many symptoms overlap and only a doctor can interpret these symptoms in the form of a diagnosis, internet is just to guide you let doctor be the final authority to make a diagnosis.
If you are very anxious you can visit a psychologist or a counsellor , taking sessions will help you get relief from anxiety, a fresh free mind helps the body gets prompt cure.
I hope this answers your question, if you have more i am looking forward to answer.
Best regards.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad

Thanks again

Also ️sorry I forgot to ask do you think it could be anything effecting my liver my blood tests were about 4 weeks ago and were fine what if something's happens to it now and that's why im getting itchy hands and feet? And can I rule out autoimmune with ANA and ESR negative and CPR -1 ? Thanks again
Every morning aswell my lips are chapped and peeling could this be related to something with all other symptoms ?
Sorry I keep forgetting what about diabetes would that show up on blood test ? Could that cause symptoms like im having ?
Here i have explained your concerns.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back dear,
here i would mention your symptoms one by one about which your are concerned.
1) Chapped lips:
These can be due to dry weather, just use a lip emollient and they will get fine.
2) Itching:
It is NOT due to liver issues, itching can occur in liver issues when there is jaundice, you are not jaundiced so there is no way that it is because of liver. Liver issues have many other symptoms not just itching, they may have jaundice, vomiting, body swelling, clubbing of nails, blood vomiting etc.
Liver problem which happens within a month would be aggressive liver damage and this will have above mentioned signs too other than just itching. Your itching is either due to the fact that you are bit allergic to the brand of alcohol you used or alcohol usage has affected your sensory nervous system in a way that you are getting itch, may be you took some food like nuts etc to which you are allergic. There is no relation with Lymphoma.
3)Diabetes does not have these symptoms , it comes with increased urination , increased appetite, weakness, dehydration. Diabetes does not directly show up in the tests you mentioned, to get more clue of diabetes you get sugar tested in fasting and two hours after a sugar meal. But you do not have any symptoms of diabetes so it needs not to be checked.
4)Lymph nodes: You are concerned about lymph nodes but you do not actually have an enlarged lymph node, your doctor checked you up as well and you can see on the internet too that lymphoma related lymph nodes are huge ones they can be size of a table tennis ball or even larger, there is no way you have a lymphoma with these nodes which are pea sized.
Your symptoms are just pain due to weakness after alcohol intake , anxiety and panic. I would suggest you to avoid using alcohol in large quantity, do not panic about a cancer. You can start using an OTC multivitamin like Centrum to help rebuild your strength there is nothing much to be worried.
If you have more concerns you are welcomed to share.
Best regards.

I am writing to you again as you are best doctor ive spoken to ive got a few things to ask you my symptoms are joint pain my nailbeds have turned purplish i will attach picture i also have some itchy feet i have a swollen lymph node in neck doctor gave me antibiotics to see if it helps go down or it could be viral i also have ringing in ear dont know if related and itchy feet , i notice i bruise more easily aswell and today felt pulse throbbing in neck .. I am honestly worried sick i hope you can help me my fear is i have cancer , kidney or liver problems or a serious condition or something autoimmune , what is causing my nails aswell i have seen multiple doctors ? Could you reply in detail i have had mutiple blood tests all negative including ANA and ESR both negative . I have also had chest xray and heart tests including ecg echo stress test which are all fine whats wrong with me and causing this ? Hope you can help i will attach pictures my fear is also lymphoma or cancer thats spreading from somwhere please help me its taking over my life and i have a family to deal , and also itchy feet scared my kidneys or liver is failing
There is nothing suggestive of a problem
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back, and appreciating my efforts to make you understand your condition better. I have seen the picture you sent and this is NOT what we call Purple nails , Raynauld's or cyanosis. I would suggest you to type "cyanosis" in google images and see how it looks like, your hands are healthy and normal you have absolutely no color change in nails, they are not blue or purple.
Now talking about your other concerns.
1) Lymph node:
Having one lymph node bigger than usual is not a sign of cancer it might be some old or new mild infection. For example 90% of people who have repeated respiratory tract infections are found to have one or more large lymph nodes , most of the people having tonsils issues have large lymph nodes, as i already told you one large node doesn't tell you that you have cancer, it has many many other signs which I already mentioned.
2) Kidney:
Kidney issues show many signs like pain in lumber region, blood in urine, decreased quantity of urine, swollen puffy eyes, swollen body, deranged renal profile, deranged electrolytes and many other issues, there is nothing which signifies kidney problems in you.
3) Liver:
There is no relation of liver or kidney with itching , itching is only there in case of jaundice that can be due to liver or any other reason but specifically liver has nothing to do with itching, in liver issues there are many other signs like enlarged liver, enlarged abdomen, blood vomiting, hemorrhoids, jaundice, fever, swollen feet,deranged liver tests and all... you do not have anything suggestive of liver problems either.
4) Cancer:
It comes with weight loss about 7-10 kg in a month, failing organ systems, enlarged nodes of effected area(they are usually this much enlarged that they can be seen without palpating them). Person has fevers, night sweats, deranged blood tests, heart tests and other problems might show in X-rays and scans.
I would say in the end that this is something simple and you are thinking about real down the list things which is making it difficult for you , internet might have scared you but being a doctor who has knowledge and how has seen hundreds of patients I find no reason to suggest that you have a serious problem.
I would suggest you to complete antibiotic course as advised by you doctor and follow up with him about it's effect, secondly I would suggest you to visit a dermatologist regarding itching this might be a simple skin problem.
I am always there to answer you , you can contact me direct through my profile any time you want. Or you can use this link to ask me question directly.
Best regards.
Dr.Muhammad XXXXXXX

Thanks so much for replying to me it means alot i have spoke to so many doctors and i prefer you ..
So my questions are as follows
1. Lymph node so is this normal you dont think its cancerous ? Will it go down or sometimes to they stay like that its like a pea ive been so worried about it being secondary cancer or lymphoma
2. I want you to check my nails again i have sent a different picture as this isnt what my nails are normally like as it happend few months back and i canf get them back to normal what causes this ? Regarding all the tests ive had on my heart bloods etc etc or could it be something simple they go really bluish when im cold could you help me with this as its fustrating me
3. I also have another picture im going to upload it was a mole i got removed 2 years ago but now its like a red spot / bump thats itchy the pathology part was benign could this be cancerous now ? Or cancer thats spread
I also have a few other questions ive noticed another bruise dont know if ive hit my leg i also had cramping in feet and like throbbing pain under left arm im scared thats lymph nodes or secondary cancer ?
Im also scared as i have a itchy sore vulva and anus sometimes and im scared this is VIN or cancer
Sorry about my fears i really do apologise i also sometimes bloated in mornings
I hope you can help i will upload 2 pictures for you and could this be autoimmune causing nails joint pain symptoms ive had ANA ESR CPR-1 all negative or could any this be secondary cancer or lymphoma ? Hope you can help me thanks again im really worried its taking over my life especially this lymph node i keep thinking its cancer thats spread
There seems to be nothing wrong at all.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing back,
NAILS:I have seen the pictures closely still I would say these are normal nails, i hope till now you would have looked at the internet how cyanosis actually looks like, these are just normal nails there is no evident problem in them. Getting slight bluish tinge in nails in cold is actually normal for almost every one, more concerning thing is when it gets grossly abnormal like the ones you can see if you type cyanosis in google images.
NODE: Almost every body has some enlarged lymph node in one's body due to many reasons i already discussed with you , I don't think yours is cancerous as you do not have any other signs of cancer plus the size is not significant.
MOLE: It is not expected that the mole location will be cancerous now , as pathology usually tells which mole or lesion can get cancerous in future, normal skin doesn't become cancerous out of no where.It might just be local inflammation at the place, nothing to worry.
You do not have to apologize for asking about your concerns , i am always there to respond. Every person has itchy genitals some day or the other, ask any one and they will tell you, it can be dryness, local inflammation or anything this does not tell that cancer is there. Bloating can be there normally sometimes in every person ask any one if he had bloating in last 6 months and 99% will say yes, some may have it more frequently some may have it less frequently but OCCASIONAL bloating is not a danger sign.
Auto immune can cause joint pains but those joints are red and swollen , blood works CRP ESR ANA do show abnormalities at least in one of them , you can not have an autoimmune with all systems working fine , blood works fine and no swelling and inflammatory signs in joints.
I would suggest you not to panic get your skin checked up for itching and mole place inflammation, and also I would suggest you to consult a psychiatrist and get sessions this will relieve your anxiety.
Best Regards.
Dr.Muhammad Ahmad.

Thanks for writing back so my final questions are as follows
1. nails so my nails this honestly isnt my normal nail colour what would cause this if anything was causing it ? Some doctors have said raynaulds others have said low hemoglobin could you give me some causes ? Also are my lungs and heart ok do you think ? Ive had loads of heart tests chest xray of lungs and oxygen was 99% and blood pressure normal would this be the case if something was wrong with my lungs ? I just want you to give information what would cause a nail change ..
2. Mole is the picture of the mole i sent look ok?
3. Joint pain and itchy vulva could this be related to my menstrual cycle as ive noticed it happening alot the same time of month ?
4.breast spot ive attached a picture of a spot on my breast for you to check it was a hair follicle i think and i squeezed it just to check its not cancerous looking
5.lymph node do you think its ok it feels like a pea that moves around iyou dont think i have anythjng serious like cancer going on as im really scared ? Thanks so much dr XXXXXXX i appreciate your answers you have really helped me
Also i have multiple verrucas any advice on this and is it normal to feel spots on scalp sometimes ?
Thanks again hope you can give me advice about nails
You can't have liver cancer and breast lesion is not a cancer.
Detailed Answer:
Hello ,
Thanks for writing back ,
I hope you are having a nice weekend. There are many questions you asked and repeated, I will try to cover them all in my answer here.
1) This nail color is not an abnormal nail color, doctors can tell Raynauld's and anemia just as a possibility to guide you but when blood works are fine and doctor checking you in person rules these possibilities out, then there is no reason to get scared about them. It's just like if one puts on weight it will not be normal for the person but i is isn't necessarily a disease, even if this nail color is not normal for your it seems that it is not a disease just a change in your body.
2)Yes mole pics just looks like an inflammatory sport nothing like a cancer but i suggested you to visit a dermatologist to get it checked so that no possibility of problem is left behind.
3)Some people can have itching vulva related to cycle and also joint pains, there can be other reasons of joint pain but there is no way it looks like a cancer.Under arm pain can be there as a part of body pains you have having but millions of people have body pains daily there are simple explanations to them instead of thinking cancer when there is nothing suggestive.
4) I have seen the picture,The breast spot is in no way a cancer.
5) No a pea sized lymph node is not a cancer sign as there are no other signs in you plus a stuck lymph node is more dangerous than a moving one, that is a good things too.
Liver cancer is not just something that you stay fine and one day you die of it , it has many many symptoms and it's a gradual slow death over years you simply have nothing suggestive of liver cancer, no weight loss, no chacexia, no problems with blood works, no blood vomiting, no kidney failure, no black stools, no swollen body , no problems with liver function it has hundreds of things to show, liver cancer is a big thing and it is not silent so do not worry.
Plus i keep telling you liver and skin are not related no liver issue causes itching it's the jaundice which you do not have.
Best regards

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