Suggest Remedies For Swelling In Forearm And Elbow Post An Injury
Please give additional information
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query, albeit short and for the pictures (not very clear).
To recapitulate: Male/37 - swelling in the forearm and in the elbow - like a big bump - not much pain - icing but swelling not going down...
Please provide further details for me to assist you further:
- Since when is the swelling present?
- Any history of major or minor trauma or started on its own?
- Any raise in local temperature?
- Are the movements of the wrist or fingers painful or restricted?
- Any history of Diabetes or other medical disorders or disease like on some medications?
- Is there any tenderness (pain on pressure)?
- Any other information that you would like to share...
Please post clear photographs of both the forearms together so that it helps comparison.
Clinical evaluation and investigations.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
The additional history you have provided indicates that this swelling may be secondary to the trauma you might have received in any of the attacks of epilepsy.
I would advise you the following:
Clinical evaluation by a General Surgeon or Orthopedic Surgeon to get a clinical diagnosis and then to have investigations:
X-ray of the area in two views including the elbow joint.
High resolution ultrasound of the area of affection.
Tests of blood for CBC, Sugar, urea and creatinine.
This will give an idea about the nature of swelling, cause and possible best treatment.
I hope this answer helps you to get an early diagnosis and proper treatment, please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you feel that there is a gap of communication.