Suggest Remedies For Swollen Lymphnodes In The Neck And Armpit
C reactive protein, possible infection, see doctor for thorough evauation
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for the query,
Swollen lymph nodes and fever is suggestive of an infection. However, the white blood cell count you report is more suggestive of a viral infection. This could also be bacterial though. A blood culture could be useful, as well as a C reactive protein measurement, to see if we could get some antibiotics prescribed.
Negative urine culture is reassuring that it s not an urinary tract infection. However, nausea and vomiting and loss of appetite is suggestive of the fact you need keener medical attention.
I suggest a C reactive protein measurement to be sure if you need antibiotics to be prescribed or not, and a lymph node biopsy for examination, based on the findings of your doctor and your evolution on treatment.
Rarer conditions like lymphomas , abscesses and at times urinary tuberculosis, generally present with absent or negative urinary exam findings should be kept in mind.
No worries for now, but I think you need a clinical exam by your doctor.
Thanks and kind regards as I wish you the best of health.
Dr Bain