Suggest Remedies For Weight Gain
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To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body uses each day. You need to do this regularly. It's not enough just to have occasional extra snacks
Gradual weight gain is always advisable. An increase in 500 kcal per day can result in increasing the body weight by 0.5 kgs per week.
Eat plenty of healthy fats. Eat your egg yolks, meat with animal fat, coconut oil, and other healthy fats. Increase caloric intake - of the healthy kind ofcourse. So those bananas count well here.
Chew the food properly to improve digestion.
Keep a track of your weight gain as this is essential; it is healthy to increase approximately 5 to 6 kgs weight per month.
The right combination of healthy food, exercise, right breathing, rest and sleep go a long way in a happier and healthier you.
You can have protein powder along with milk, twice daily.You can use vitamin supplements like multivitamin tablets daily, you can have protein shakes or Nutrigain powder, which are available in the market.
Take care
Dr Priyanka G Raj