Suggest Remedy For Blocked Ear After Vomiting
Obstruction of Eustachian tube
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
Thanks for your query.
Regarding the symptoms as mentioned in your post, kindly let us know about the following:
1. Any recent history of cough, cold, upper respiratory tract infection?
2. Any past history of systemic illness like Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid disorder, etc.?
3. Any associated symptoms of fever, giddiness, ear pain, difficulty in hearing, etc?
If your answer to the above mentioned questions is "NO", then the blocking sensation in the ear can be attributed to the in-equalization of pressure which has occurred during the episode of vomiting.
There is a connecting tract (known as Eustachian tube) between the nasopharynx & middle ear, which helps in maintaining the pressure equilibrium between nasopharynx and middle ear.
Any obstruction to this Eustachian tube, secondary to forceful vomiting or entry of food particles, leads to blockage/ discomfort in ear by causing un-equalisation of pressure between the nasopharynx & middle ear.
Symptomatic relief can be obtained with performing Valsalva maneuver, that is, take a deep breath, close your mouth & nose and try to blow out the air through the ears. The pressure generated due to this maneuver will relive the blockage in the tube and provide relief from blocking sensation.
In addition, you can use decongestant nasal drops, antihistamine preparations and perform jaw movements (e.g. use a chewing gum).
The vomiting sensation can be controlled by use of anti-emetics like Ondensetron preparations.
If it still persists, kindly consult an ENT Specialist & get a proper clinical examination done.
Wishing you a good health.
Take care.