Suggest Remedy For Elevated Mole On Arm Along With Tingling Sensation
It needs further evaluation.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic,
Any time if there is a significant change in a mole whether it is a colour or tingling sensations, it should be evaluated further.
It could be as simple as alterations in the pigmentation of the skin or it can also be something much more serious and it should be addressed by the doctor but there is no need to get panicked.
A dermatologist will best be able to address your changes regarding mole.
So,you should see dermatologist who would cosmetically remove the lesion and send it to be evaluated for histo-pathological examination under a microscope if they feel that it is something that needs to be addressed.
In general, the ABCDEs of moles will help us to know what is the concern.
A is for Asymmetry.
B is for irregular Borders.
C is for color changes or difference within the mole.
D is for Diameter greater than a pencil eraser.
E is for Evolving
So,any changes in a mole are something that should be evaluated by a doctor further.
Hope this will help you.