Suggest Remedy For Genital Warts
Im XXXXXXX , 25yrs of age , married and have one kid . I have the habit of going to sex workers past 2 years . Monthly about 3 times ill go to sex workers using protect sex . Once last year my condom broke while i had sex with the sex workers . After that incident i experienced many symptoms like mild fever , anal itching , spots on my penis , diarrhea , pain over neck . Then i freaked out and did stds test including hiv all were negative then i was bit relief . I repeated the test everymonth for about 6 month , the results were negative. But i always had some problems like spot over my genital area and on my back spots were burning , itching . About 1 month ago i consulted a dermatologist , after examined my private parts doctor said i have small warts on my penis which is hpv . I puzzled now . I read through by several website that hpv dont have cure but will go away . Since im married , i think my wife also have HPV . Regarding this hpv , will this remain all my life or will go away ? If its go away will it come back after im aged . I read that if immunine is low then HPV will reoccur ? Please help me regarding this ?
Thank You
An absence of visible warts for at least 1-2 years usually indicates cure.
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have gone through your query and I have noted down your concern.
Your sexual behaviour puts you as well as you wife at risk of STD's.
Genital warts are caused by Hpv. The infection is acquired by sexual contact with an infected partner. Even a condom does not guarantee complete protection against Hpv infection because it covers only a portion of shaft and therefore leaves a lot of skin exposed for direct skin-to-skin contact with a sexual partner e.g base of shaft and pubic region.
Body's own immunity takes care of Hpv infection assisted by removal of any visible warts. It is assumed that a wart free period of 1-2 years after removal of any visible warts and absence of any subsequent recurrences of warts during this period, means that the Hpv infection is no longer present. Most of genital Hpv infection (90%) is caused by Hpv type 6, 11 which are non-cancerous and a small fraction (10%) is caused by type 16, 18 which are cancer causing Hpv types. About 5% of total cases with type 16, 18 Hpv infection can persist and ultimately progress to cancer
Of course there is a risk that you may have passed on the infection to your wife. Therefore though most of genital Hpv infection (caused by hpv types 6,11) resolve with time (about 1-2 years); about 5% of genital hpv infection with type 16,18 hpv can persist and progress to cancer (cervical cancer in females and penile cancer in males).
In females, it is advisable to routinely screen (every 6 monthly) cervix with Pap smears to look for early cell changes that might be an indication for transformation to cancer. If Pap smear shows persistent cell changes it is usually followed by typing for Hpv infection to detect if these ae due to infection with cancer causing Hpv. However, in males there is no such screening test or test recommended for detection of Hpv types.
The thing that you should do now is to get rid of all the warts and keep a watch for any new warts that may arise and if they do arise, get them removed. If you are free of any new/ visible warts for the next 1-2 years most likely that would mean that you are free of infection.
Try to use protection with your wife as much as possible. She must screen with Pap smear every 6 months-1 year to look for possible cell changes.
If i do the pap smear test for my wife and dertermine the type of HPV then can i consider i have the same type . Once the wart gone im free from infection and my immune is strong . But what hapen when im aged will my immunine get low and i get back those warts to worst conditions . Is that warts and hpv will come back again after it got cleared by itself .
Hpv typing is possible from cervical Pap smear
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Yes I agree, most likely you would have the same Hpv types as your wife. Once the Hpv infection is clear it will not come back on its own later in life. Re-infection is a possibility if you continue with your sexual behavior in future.
Once HPV cleared will not come back but takes time 1-2 years , is it im right doctor? My wife have taken vaccine for HPV but she only took two doses missed the third one , after consulting my wife gynaecologist doctor said to redo the HPV vaccine for both my wife and myself . Is it ok i take the HPV vaccine now ? Regarding the sexual behaviour i know im doing so stupid habit but im not to able control , from my teenage i have the habit of maturbating more than 4 times day , i understand im addicted to this sex . What you advice me to do ? Now i dont want to repeat the same again .
Thank You
Hpv vaccine is of no use for you; your wife may redo vaccination
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Yes. I think 1-2 years of a wart free interval is indicative of being infection free.
I don't think there is any use of vaccine for you, now. Vaccine is to prevent Hpv infection and not to cure Hpv infection.
Your wife would have been partially protected against genital Hpv infection because of the 2 doses that she had already recieved earlier. The vaccine can be redone in her assuming that the immunity that she already got from her previous vaccination has prevented her from genital hpv infection till now and this immunity can be bolstered further with vaccination. This is important since you have genital Hpv infection and she needs adequate protection from genital Hpv transmission from you.
You should be more responsible in your sexual behavior because that can lead to STDs in you as well as your wife. You may benefit from expert counselling by a psychiatrist.
Is Pap smear test have any window periods or very much reliable ? If my wife do pap smear test then we can find the HPV types , but is it sometime HPV wont show up in the test for some periods . Is there anything about pap smear i need to know ? Regarding the vaccine for myself , my wife gynaecologist said its better to take it no problem and said it wont cure the infection but will protect against other type HPV . So shall i take the vaccine or no doctor ? Here after i want lead a good life . I need a support .
Thank You
Either pledge not to indulge in promiscuous sex Or take Vaccine
Detailed Answer:
Pap smear is a screening test to detect 'atypical cell changes' i.e precancerous cell changes, in cervical mucosa. Usually hpv typing is done only if there are atypical cell changes on Pap smear. Not routinely.
However, if one wishes to know if and which Hpv types one may carry, a swab from cervix can be sampled for Hpv typing as well. Hpv typing is very sensitive and specific test and can detect genital hpv soon after infection.
Your gynaecologist is suggesting that a vaccine would prevent against a genital Hpv type different from the one which you have right now. She is right in that sense but if you are not going to indulge in a promiscuous sexual behavior in future that eliminates the need for vaccination. Isn't it?