Suggest Remedy For Ingestion Of Cleaning Solution By A Child
Wash hands, drink cup water, observe for an hour for neurological symptoms
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for contacting HCM regarding your problem.
First you need to wash her hands, and make sure non of it got to her eyes that might lead to irritation. Second let her drink a cup of water and then keep an eye on her if she develops any neurological symptoms.
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Ingestion: Oral ingestion may result in transient nervous system effects (ataxia and muscle weakness) and/or gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. This product contains alcohol ethoxylates. Large ingestions (>2 ml/kg) may also cause symptoms of alcohol-like intoxication, incoordination, drowsiness, inarticulateness or ataxia. Alcohol ethoxylates may contribute to central nervous system symptoms.
In case you think she did ingest please get her to a physician if possible to make sure she get proper management in case needed.
For more details regarding the specific product ingestion management you can contact Poison control department on 1-800-222-1222
I hope this helped and I hope she did not ingest any of it.
Kind regards,
Dr. Nazzal