Suggest Remedy For Numbness In Face With Headache
Possibility of sensory seizures
Detailed Answer:
Hello xxxxxx,
I have gone through your question and understand your concerns.
Feeling of numbness over one side of face and body of sudden onset may be due to sensory seizures.
You have mentioned about cyst in brain.
What is exact location of cyst.
Is it on the left side of brain?
Please upload images or report of Mri.
These symptoms are not related to disc disease.
For sensory seizure, Eeg may be required.
For treatment antiepileptics have to be started.
Is there any history of anxiety, stress as one possibility may also be malingering but first all possibly causes have to be ruled out.
Possibility of stroke can not be ruled out on history and require repeat Mri brain.
Hope you found the answer helpful.
Do get back to me for further queries.
Dr N Kumar