Suggest Remedy For Painful Hemorrhoids And Lump Near Anus
I am 35 yrs old, delivered twin boys 11 months ago and have had a very hectic routine of managing them. Off late around 10 days ago, I noticed a lump near my anus. I could not differentiate it earlier as a lump and felt its just some infrequent pain that i have from one of the hemorrhoids. However, within 2 days it grew a bit in size and was able to feel the difference.
Then within couple of days it grew further to the size of the tennis ball and got excruciatingly painful. I had the worst pain ever of my life. Within 4 days it burst by itelf gave out blood, pus and I continuosly drained it for another 2 days..using with warm water baths throughout 3-5 times a day. The relief was good, and I took cephalrite 500 antibiotic twice a day with nebasulf powder as topical application on the wound. Within couple of days the opening started healing and closed..and I had a reoccurence of that swelling(not as big though). Sitz bath for a night at frequent intervals and the boil burst again with all the discharge off.
"Want to know how can I know that the wound is completely drained and what topical application if at all will allow it heal decently inside out." Does the surrounding around the wound stay slightly hard, although it may have drained completely.
"I want to deal with this without any more complications on the wound closing and any immediate recurrence. "
Here are my queries.
Want to know how can I know that the wound is completely drained and what topical application if at all will allow it heal decently inside out. currently the wound has drained completely and I continue the routine of warm water baths and checking for drains. Does the surrounding around the wound stay slightly hard, although it may have drained completely.
I have started having heavy periods, is this a side effect of any medicine by any chance. Note- I take metformin 250 mg at lunch and dinner, as I had gestational diabetes...and offlate had some sugar spikes. However, its been completely in
control for sometime. I have maintained a decent diet with rice(substituted with lapsi) and sugar compeltely off the diet. Sugars stay normal almost always in 120 range at PP and random readings as checked, recently too.
Given my lifestyle with two infants(no familial support for managing kids), I am not in a position to get admitted and get this cured with incision etc. Therefore, am trying my best to heal holistically atleast this time and I can follow a permanent cure and precautionary lifestyle soon.
I want to deal with this without any more complications on the wound closing and any immediate recurrence. Attached is a picture taken yesterday with the wound opening highlighted in black. Please advise.
Waiting for your response. Please help.
Perianal fistula should be ruled out.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking Health care magic forum.
I have gone through your query and pictures. I suspect a peri anal fistula (communication between anus and perianal skin) in that. The rupture you had can be a rupture of abscess from fistula also.
Do you have a continuous discharge from that?
Do you have any discharge while passing stools?
A digital rectal examination by a general surgeon is essential to rule out the condition. Sitz bath and applying ointments containing cinchocaine , corticosteroid and antibiotic will be helpful in relieving symptoms. But if there is no pain then only antibiotic ointments needed. Ointment form will be better than powder. Systemic antibiotics also needed. I would prefer ciprofloxacin and metronidazole. But feeding infant should be avoided when using those.
As you have a hardness feeling i suspect any abscess content still left in that. It should be drained properly. Usually surgery is the best option which is fistulotomy . But there is a non surgical option which is Fibrin glue injected into fistula and seal the tract.
Heavy periods you had can be due to irregularities in hormone level or infection if you have any associated pain or discomfort or smelly discharge. A pelvic examination should be done to rule out any such problems.
Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything not clear.
I have to press to check/try and ensure I drain well - which is what I followed at regular intervals with sitz bath.
The last I checked this evening, I had no much pain, few droplets of clear liquid coming from the abscess hole and surprising some translucent pus(few drops from the anus) while I applied pressure. What does this mean?
Should I worry of the abscess hole closes any sooner, that the boil may reoccur immediately? If the pain has subsided and the area around abscess feels normal, does this mean the healing for now is on right track? Please help on these doubts. I am keen on getting better without any immediate complication this time, such that I can look at a long term solution to this.
If fistula is open then it should be closed for healing.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your follow up query.
If there is secretions coming through the hole from anal canal that means the fistula is open. Perianal Fistula is a connection between anal canal to perianal skin. I suspect that in your case In such case it should be closed for proper healing even though abscess free. It should be digitally palpated and feel for fluctuation of abscess. If that is there then it should be drained.
Usually fistulotomy (surgical) is advised. But there is a non surgical treatment that i mentioned -sealing the fistula tract by fibrin glue. If the tract is open then it is difficult to heal.You have mentioned that there is liquid discharge from anus while straining. Is it through this hole? But if there is no further discharge or pain then it is most likely closed and in such case sitz bath and antibiotic ointment application will be helpful.
Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything not clear.