Suggest Remedy For Recurring Molluscum Contagiosum On Penis

i am 37 years male. i had un protected sex in july and after 2-3 weeks later i noticed white dots on penis skin. i went to see a doctor and he informed me it is molluscum contagiosum. they removed the same and i was okay. i got cured around october 10th. two days ago i noticed the same again appearing on my penis shaft and skin next to penis. i had bought all new clothes. and washing the clothes 2-3 times with dettol. i fail to understand why this is appearing again. i am not too sure if i have molluscum contagiosum. i am having problems on my face as well. i keep getting pimples and some sort of waxi dots on my face as well which appear and disappear in 10-15 days time. what all tests should i do to check my skin problems.
I suggest screening for HIV
Detailed Answer:
Hello. Thank you for writing to us
I have gone through your query and I have also reviewed the Image.
The image quality is not good though and I would request you to upload another Image which is clear and in good lighting.
As far as recurrence of molluscum is concerned it is quite common to have a recurrence. This is because the infection is usually multifocal and at different stages (i.e it might be subclinical at some places and fully formed at other places) and therefore new lesions can emerge/ develop over a period of time. Moreover, molluscum spreads by autoinnoculation i.e new lesions may spread out over time from exisiting lesions, facilitated by shaving of pubic hair etc. Therefore in your case the new lesions are probably those lesions which were previously subclinical and therefore were not amenable to treatment. These new molluscum lesions should also be removed in the same way as previously.
Molluscum can similarly involve the face as pearly white, dome shaped lesions with a central dent.
Diagnosis of molluscum is straight forward i.e it is obvious clinically.
Since genital molluscum is an STD and facial molluscum is one of the signs of AIDS therefore I suggest that you get yourself screened for HIV.

except HIV is there any other screening i should be doing ? i had got HIV tested immediately in july after i went to see the doctor and it was negative.
my throat is also not well and i have dots on the roof of my mouth. which exact doctor i should be seeing for these problems, dermatologist ?
on the tip of my penis , i can see some dots but these are under the skin of penis head.
No other screening test is required
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No, there is no other screening test apart from Hiv as far as molluscum is concerned. For throat, you may talk to an ENT specialist (otorhinolaryngologist).
Regarding the dots on the head of your penis that are concerning you may upload a clear digital image for my evaluation. I can have a look and tell if they are something to be concerned about.

I am not able to find a correct Doctor. And it seems most of hospitals are not equipped to check STDs properly.
Can you pls suggest me a hospital in XXXXXXX /Shanghai / Hong Kong. which is equipped to to properly diagnose STI.
Is there anyway to check HPV infection at early stages for a male.
I went to see some doctor today and he said I have got a tiny wart on my penis. I have got it removed by laser.
I am getting really nervous about my health. The more I read on Internet the more worried I am feeling.
Is it safe to have sex with someone after HPV ?
I am not able to find a link to upload my pictures so that I can show you the same.
Answers to specfici queries
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Hiv antibody test should be done at least 3 months after an unprotected sexual contact to be taken as conclusive.
In XXXXXXX you may walk into any of the labs and get yourself tested for the following tests i.e HIV Combo test (P24 antigen and Antibody test), VDRL test, ELISA for Hsv type 1 & 2 (IgG and IgM). Since your last sexual contact was 3 months ago therefore a negative result for all these tests would be conclusive and final at this stage.
Unfortunately there is no approved test for HPV infection in males. Unless and until a person develops visible warts it is not possible to confirm an asymptomatic Hpv infection. However since you say that you have got your warts removed today therefore that means you have Hpv infection.
You may transmit Hpv infection to your sexual partner therefore it is advisable to avoid sexual contact till a safe time period of at least 1 year, after all your warts have been removed and there are no recurrences during this period, which would mean that you no longer carry the infection and are cured.
You may upload an image either at "Reports Section" Or You may mail me at YYYY@YYYY with the subject line of this mail as Attention:Dr.Kakkar.

i have got my HIV test done yesterday. let me get balance tests done tomorrow.
i have emailed you three pictures.
molluscum - this keeps occurring.
tongue - there are small red dots appearing on my tongue. what can this be ?
hand finger - i have started developing rashes on my hands.
my throat has also some problem. i went and saw the doctor they are saying it is okay. i am in china actually, so cannot rely completely here. they could not figure out molluscum earlier and told me it is fine. then i got it checked in XXXXXXX
should i be doing some more tests.
Eczematous dermatitis on finger
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You have an eczematous dermatitis on finger and for that I suggest you to use a topical steroid cream e.g clobeatsol propionate 0.05% (Tenovate cream), twice daily for a few days.
Genital lesions are certainly those of molluscum contagiosum. I have already explained you what you need to do regarding these i.e these should be removed with a cautery aas new ones can form from existing ones.
I don't think there is anything wrong with what can see on tongue. These seem like normal papillae. I suggest you to consult an ENT specialist for your throat complaints.
Do upload the test results as and when they become available.

Thanks. I have emailed you two test reports. Hiv I got only one test report. I am not sure if it is as per your requirement of p24 antigen and antibody. HPV - it was really small wary and Doctor said it may not get detected in biopsy. He had shown me and we decided to remove it.
Do you think I should be carrying out the rest of tests like Vdrl etc mentioned by you just to be on safer side.
Is there any specific period for all the tests you mentioned to show signs after getting infected like hiv has 3 months to show some signs.
I am not a drinker but last one year I had been drinking a lot. Sometimes in the night I will sweat a lot and shiver. And then I will be okay. Can this be due to drinking ? Last three months I stopped drinking after molluscum problems. Apart from this my hands started shaking. Can this be due to drinking ? I only started drinking 3-4 years ago. And only last one year drank every 2-3 days a week.
I have a strange feeling in the body. When I sit idle for some time or I am about to sleep , if I want to do something I feel lifeless. I don't know how to describe this. But the feeling is like when you throw a stone in the water and you feel ripples. I suddenly feel those ripples while sleeping or when I sitting idle.
Last 3-4 months I have developed a lot of skin problems. I got foot infection. It's almost cured. My two toe nails have become black. I think this is due to fungus. The cream I was applying cured my foot infection but nails are still black and strange.
My hand nail -one black stripe has appeared. Foot nails are becoming brittle.
The joint part where both the lips meet , I have developed one infection. It never gets cured fully. It becomes 60-70% okay and then returns back.
I am having a lot of bumps ( not exactly pimples) on my face every other day. And it has started happening on my body as well. Anywhere red pimples appear on my body.
I never had so many skin problems. Is there anyway to do some blood test or anything to check if everything is okay with me ?
I suggest a comprehensive STD screening
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Hello. Thank you.
I did not recieve HIV report. I only got HPV reports and ther are all negative.
For a comprehensive STD screening you must also test for syphilis (VDRL) and genital herpes (HSV ELISA (type 1&2 Hsv)), NAAT test for chlamydia and gonorrhea, in addition to HIV. 3 months incubation period applies for both HSV and VDRL tests as well as in addition to HIV. NAAT test for gonorrhea and chlamydia is positive as early as 2 weeks after a risky sexual contact.
At this stage since its been more than 3 months therefore I think all your tests would be conclusive at this stage as they are well past the incubation period for each of these STDs.
Discoloration of toe nail could be because of fungal infection. Black stripe (on one of your finger nails) Or Longitudinal Melanonychia is most commonly racial and benign and you can just ignore it.
The condition affecting the angles of lips seems like angular cheilitis which is most likely due to vitamin B complex deficiency and I suggest you to take a capsule of B-complex vitamin once daily for a few days.
Sweating, shivering and hand shaking too seem to be due to B complex vitamin deficiency and alcohol consumption does seem to responsible here. You need to consult a physician regarding these alcohol related problems.
You may upload a few representative Images of Pimples Or Bumps on face and elsewhere for me to have a look.
In addition to the STD screening I would suggest a complete hemogram, LFT, KFT and Blood sugar tests.

You are safe
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This is conclusive. A negative result for an 'antibody based HIV test' is conclusive, if done after 3 months or 12 weeks of sexual contact (i.e past the window period).

thanks. i have emailed you the HIV test report. it has only one test result whereas as per your suggestion i was suppose to do P24 antigen and antibody. pls advice if i need to do HIV test again.
i have emailed you a picture of my face showing the problems i have on my face. i never had this problem and this infection is increasing day by day. i am washing my face twice and using only one "l'oreal men expert - hydra energetic". for soap i use dettol. i have been using it since many years.
pls advice if i need to change anything. my face skin has really gone bad.
for black stripe on my hand thumb - i was checking internet for Longitudinal Melanonychia and found that it is also related to wart problem. in my case , is it related ? i have emailed you picture of thumb nail also.
No need to repeat Hiv
Detailed Answer:
At 3 months, an anti-HIV antibody test is conclusive. P 24 antigen detection is useful if the sexual contact was not so long ago e.g 2-4 weeks ago. P 24 antigen/ Anti-Hiv antibody combo test can detect Hiv infection at an early stage i.e 2 weeks onwards as compared to a purely anti-Hiv antibody based test which can take longer (because antibodies may not form so soon after infection).
Yes, earlier I suggest P 24 antigen/ antibody combo test but even this antibody based test is good enough to be conclusive. No need to repeat.
You have minor acne problem. I suggest you to use benzoyl peroxide 2.5% gel, twice daily for these acne lesions.
Use gentle cleanser for face wash e.g cetaphil cleansing lotion for face wash. Dettol is too harsh.
A faint, well defined band of Longitudinal melanonychia is usually benign and is due to localised melanocyte activation in nail bed. It is not related to wart. It is racial and requires no intervention.

thanks. do you think it is okay for me to wait for 20-30 days to do balance STD tests.
reg. face - i have many other dots which are appearing every other day. these dots are under my skin. these are not on the skin. i am sending you few pictures via email. my phone camera is not so good so i am not able to take pictures clearly. my concern is , why am i having so many problems on my face. is this something to do with my diet or liver or blood ? i have not changed anything in my lifestyle. it is same as before. i have started drinking safi 10 days ago but so far no help.
i have another problem on face - i think it is called pigmentation. i am not too sure though. please help to go through the pictures i have sent you by email.
and coming back to molluscum contagiosum - could you please give me some tips so that it does not return back again and again. it is taking toll on me mentally.
what should i eat ? what changes should do in my lifestyle ?
does drinking small amount on empty stomach of apple cider vinegar help ?
Molluscum would ultimately resolve
Detailed Answer:
As far as molluscum contagiosum is concerned there are no specific dietary or lifestyle changes. Apple cidar vinegar is not a proven therapy for molluscum. The best thing to do is to get all the existing removed as soon as you notice them and don't wait for more to appear before you seek an appointment to doctor. There might be a few relapses but they would ultimately stop appearing.
Regarding the lesions on face though some of them do look like acne but I would also like to consider other diagnosis e.g sarcoidosis, jessner's lymphocytic infiltrate, lymphcytoma cutis etc. I would like to know where else do you have similar lesions? with pictures.

i have sent you email with dots which have appeared on my chest and under arm pits. these are increasing day by day. its been almost 2-3 months since i started noticing these. it looks like some waxi material.
Kindly upload image
Detailed Answer:
Sorry I have not recieved the Images.
The small dark spots on face seem like freckles Or dermatosis papulosa nigrans. They can be easily treated with help of either a radiofrequency cautery Or CO 2 Laser. This is an entirely unrelated problem.
I suggest you to use a sunscreen regularly.

I have sent email again with waxi dot images which are on my chest and under arm. These are increasing.
No images
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Sorry. I did'nt recieve any images. I have no idea why?
You can leave me your email ID here. I will get back to you on mail.

my email is YYYY@YYYY
Thank you
Detailed Answer:
Fine. Thank you.

1) as per your email I have molluscum on my chest and under arm. Should I leave it as it is or get it removed ?
2) last 1-2 years I am smelling a lot. Body odor has gone really bad. I start smelling almost immidialtely after taking bath. After 7-8 hours it's embarrassing. Specially armpit area. It smells like hell. What can be done here to avoid this. Can this also be due to some sexual contact ?
I was not having body odor problem earlier. Is it contagious ? Can I get it from someone else ?
Body odor results from human own sweat and is not contagious
Detailed Answer:
Yes, you should get molluscum removed.
Body odor is commonly due to bacterial action on human sweat and not due to sexual contact. Sweat produced from apocrine sweat glands, which are present in areas like underarm region, breast and groins is acted upon by bacteria to produce an offensive body odor.
Body odor is worse if there are more bacteria present or the level of apocrine sweat production is high.
This happens only after puberty, as the apocrine glands are not active until puberty is reached.
I suggest you to practice certain general measures like...
1. Apart from maintaining a good hygeine and bathing twice daily you may use an antibacterial soap for bath.
Reducing bacterial population on skin would reduce production of odoriferous breakdown products due to bacterial action on human sweat.
2. Regular shaving or trimming of body hair (e.g. armpits) would reduce sweat accumulation as well as reduce bacterial growth.
3. Certain foods like garlic and hot spices, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine etc can also lead to body odor. You may avoid these.
4. You may use a dusting powder on body/ torso to keep dry.
5. Specifically for underarm region i would suggest that you to use a deodorant Or an antiperspirant lotion e.g drysol which contains aluminium chloride hexahydrate 20%. This would help both ways by reducing sweating as well as reducing bacterial growth.

Thanks. Could you pls advise me name of anti bacterial soap.
Antibacterial soap
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Soapex soap Or Dettol Soap.
In addition you can use Aldry lotion once daily at night (contains aluminium chloride hexaydrate to reduce axillary sweating).

Use an antiperspirant
Detailed Answer:
Fine. You must also reduce Aldry Or drysol (Aluminium chloride hexahydrate) to reduce sweating from axilla as well as trim or shave axillary hair.

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