Suggest Remedy For Stomach Discomfort With Hoarseness And Cough
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. Stomach discomfort with hoarseness and cough are all connected. Acid reflux / GERD is the commonest cause of sore throat and cough. Treating the cause helps reduce the symptoms.
Eating small frequent meals, avoiding spices, stimulants, coffee, tea , chocolates, processed and canned foods , alcohol , soda and beverages etc.
Prefer fibrous diet and more fluids. Avoid lying down after the meal for at least 2 to 3 hours. Keep the head side of the bed elevated for at least 8 inches. Talk to your doctor and let them prescribe you some nexium or any other antacid.
I hope it helps.Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.