Suggest Treatment For Anxiety After Suffering A Concussion
Could there be some other health issue going on that would cause anxiety???
I think there is need to manage stress
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.
I read your query and understand your concerns.
First of all I like to inform you that post concussion anxiety is the common presentation and mostly onset takes place between 6 weeks to 6 months after injury.
In my opinion your doctor done right thing by putting you on medication but there is more need to be done. The first and most important is to have proper psychoeducation and counselling about the possibilities after injury.
At this stage I feel stress management should be priority rather than anything.
I hope this assists you.
If you have more questions I will be glad to assist you further.
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Thanks and regards.
Lexapro can be a better option
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up.
Considering the side effect profile of effexor and your experience I feel lexapro will make a better option for you. It can be started at 5 mg per day and can be increased to 10 mg after one week which is often effective dose for many individuals. I completely endorse the opinion of stoping effexor as probably it was causing more side effects than expected positive effects.
I think you are doing many things for stress management but I will request you to add plenty of fluids intake, avoidance of junk foods, use of antioxidants and limited use of any substances such as coffee/tea/alcohol.
I hope this helps you.
If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you.
If not, you may close the discussion and if possible you may rate the answer for my future patients.
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Thanks and regards.
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reverting back to me.
I mean to say that patient who gets through concussion should be educated about its after effects. This is most useful because it makes the person ready to face all kind of adverse possibilities. In addition some of the post concussion complications can be managed with counselling itself and not everybody needs medication.
There is no reliable research available on the so called natural products and in my opinion they should be avoided.
I hope this helps you further.
Thanks and regards.