Suggest Treatment For Auditory Hallucinations Along With Paranoid Behavior
These symptoms can occur due to some psychosis
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for asking from HCM for your health related queries
I have read your query and I can understand your problem. You are on antidepressants drugs and it appears that depression is under control.
You have felt that you have been stimulated electrically without consent around breasts and vaginal area at work and home. I want to clarify as per you who has done this? Why would anyone stimulate you electrically against consent without giving hint to anyone? It has resulted in pain and blood drop around clitoris. Have you faced similar incidences before also?
This caused you to took your daughter away for safety, and this shows that you have concerns about safety. At new place you heard some voices but couldn't see. This could occur due to anxiety or may be due to hallucinations. You are scared because of all these.
Now coming to discussion- From the available history you have mentioned there are two possibilities for your symptoms.
One possibility is Depression with psychotic symptoms though detailed evaluation is required to make correct diagnosis. The symptoms of fear, concerns about safety, bad dreams also strengthen the diagnosis.
Other possible explanation for your symptoms is Psychosis itself. Ferlings that someone has electrically stimulated you could occur due to some delusional belief, though it should be investigated further. The hearing of voice that someone is on roof could be explained by hallucinations. Over concern of safety due to fear may occur in psychosis. But usually individuals develop such symptoms in a little earlier age. In individuals suffering from paranoid psychosis or schizophrenia personality is found to be preserved and usually individuals are able to work normally and function normally. They remain in distress due to their symptoms.
As these symptoms are causing significant distress to your life so I would advise you to consult a psychiatrist for evaluation and treatment. These symptoms appear to be due to some psychosis either associated with depression or schizophrenia.
These symptoms respond to antipsychotic drugs. Second generation antipsychotic drugs are relatively safer and can help in improvement of symptoms. Drugs like Olanzapine, Risperidone, Quetiapine etc can be used. Continue to take the antidepressants and visit a psychiatrist for treatment of these symptoms and prescription of drugs. You would see improvement in symptoms in about less than two weeks.
The side effects you are having with antidepressants can be managed by changing the drugs. A lot of individuals show such symptoms of headache and dizziness while taking Escitalopram. Drugs like Mirtazapine, Paroxetine will minimise such symptoms and can help you. These drugs will also help in good sleep. Discuss with your psychiatrist for change in prescription of antidepressant drugs.
Thanks, hope this helps you. Please don't hesitate to ask again for more doubts and provide the details I have asked in follow up question.
Such symptoms can occur due to depression with psychotic symptoms
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for asking a follow up question
If you are able to function normally and have good relation with co-workers then the chances of psychotic disorder is less. You have no history of violence and accusation, no history of any symptoms of suspiciousness like paranoid ideation which also reduce the chances of paranoid psychosis. Then what is the reason for these symptoms?
One possible explanation is depression itself. In severe depression individuals develop fear of something like you are having. Some times in depression with psychotic symptoms individuals may show symptoms mimicking psychosis. The symptoms reduced by changing places because some times false beliefs or delusional ideas are related to a particular place or situation only. This is the probable reason that you have not seen further occurrences for these symptoms since last 3 weeks.
The anti-depressants medicines I have mentioned are relatively safe and have nothing to do with allergy to anti-inflammatory drugs. You have already take escitalopram and not developed allergy so the drugs would not cause serious allergy in you. It is safe to take these medicines if taken as per prescribed doses.
As per my opinion improvement of symptoms of depression should improve your symptoms of psychosis.
Thanks, please ask again for more doubts.