Suggest Treatment For Back Pain And Sleep Issues
Sleep hygiene, exercise
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thanks for your query.
For me reading some book works if there is noise in the background.
If the room is quite and dark then the following sleep hygiene tips an be employed:
1) Get into a routine with your sleep times. Get up at the same time each morning, even if you have not had a good night's sleep. Don't sleep during the day, and don't go to bed early to try and get more sleep.
2) Take some physical exercise during the day.
3) Avoid exercise two hours before bedtime.
4) Avoid watching disturbing or violent films prior to bedtime.
5) Avoid drinking caffeine (tea, coffee, cola) in the evening after 6 pm.
6) Avoid heavy meals at least two hours before bedtime. It can be difficult to get off to sleep with a full stomach.
7) Avoid alcohol in the evening. While alcohol is sedative, it does not lead to normal restful sleep.
8) You should associate your room with sleep: avoid having a TV or radio in your bedroom. If you do have them in your bedroom, turn them off at least half an hour before you lie down to sleep.
9) Your bedroom should be warm and familiar with a comfortable bed and duvet, etc. The room should be decorated in a relaxing way.
10) Use relaxation techniques, like yoga or progressive muscular relaxation exercises. Reading in bed helps some people, but it can prevent others from getting off to sleep. If you do read in bed, only read light books or magazines which do not stimulate your mind.
Regarding exercises for back pain and sleep, here are a few:
1) Shavasana (the corpse pose), Viparita Karani (legs up the wall pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose) and Cat stretch pose are some yoga exercises thaat can be done 2 times a day.
2) Anulom Vilom Pranayam. It is a breathing exercise and is very good for the nervous system and for relaxation.
3) Taking a break from seated posture every half hour should help.
If your back pain lasts for more than 1 month then see an orthopedic surgeon.
Hope it helps.
Dr Vaishalee