Suggest Treatment For Blurred Vision And Mild Chronic Uveitis
I have been constantly in touch with you to acquire the help regarding my problem about UVEITIS.
Iam having this trouble since last October.
1. I had a cataract operation of right eye , as it suffered from uveitis,followed by blurred vision. I was using PRED FORTE for 4 months.
2. Now since last 2 weeks , i experienced that my eye is under certain pressure. In the morning i find all right.
But as time passes till night, i feel my eye is under tremendous pressure. It Slightly pains. No watering, no etching.
Yesterday, i went to follow up, Dr dtetcted that mild chronic uveitis. He said it to be very mild. He started Pred Forte for next 3 months. He also asked me to follow up next month.
The quarry is i read on net that usee of steroids during uveitis causes blurry vision. I experienced it too.
Then continuous use of pred forte for next 3 months , will my vision be blurred again? Dr. replaced my lens with flexible IOL OF THE HIGHEST QUAALITY. (TORRIC LENS)
I am exteremely afraid and stressed with this disease. My vision as such became clear but due to floaters i don't see clear. My near vision is worsen I cant see any thing at all without spects.
I am repenting and feel that cataract surgery was my hasty decision. I would have taken second opinion. But i had alraedy asked you about this before going for surgery. And you have also agreed with my doctor.
Pl advice me whetehr my treatment is on right track? shall i change the doctor?
The treatment is in right direction.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care Magic.
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist with training in Medical retina and I will be answering your question.
I reviewed your history and the previous questions you had asked me through Health care Magic.
Uveitis is a chronic condition and it recurs with acute exacerbations. The treatment during the acute episode is by the use of steroid drugs. Steroid eye drops are sufficient for mild to moderate severe cases.
Pred forte is steroid eye drops and it is the treatment of choice for treating uveitis.
Steroid eye drops will not cause blurred vision but the use of steroid eye drops can increase the intraocular pressure and this can cause blurred vision. Hence while on treatment with steroid eye drops the intraocular pressure needs to be monitored.
Hence the treatment as of now appears to be right direction, hence I feel you can continue with your doctor and do follow up once in a month as advised.
Near vision after cataract surgery will be less as accommodation of natural lens is lost and this requires use of glasses for near vision. Hence if your near vision is good with glasses then no need to be worried.
Uveitis is usually a chronic disease but treatment of the acute episodes with right drugs will not cause any complications, hence no need to be stressed.
Hope this answers your question.
Thank you
With regards
My simple question to you is last time I had a blurry vision. If now the natural lens is replaced by Artificial one, then can i receive a blurry vision again?
2. I sleep for 5 hrs a night? can it be a cause of inflamation to eye?3. As the day passes ,eye is stressed more. Are there any external remedies to recover from this ?
3. Was my cataract decision was correct?
4. Does this chronic uveitis may a reason for permanant vission loss?
5. Can a stress be a cause of uveitis?
6.How long I should continue pred forte? Is it a life long treatment?
7. I have left the hopes of getting cured. Because of this eye inflamation, i can't concentrate reading, watching t.v. Only I watch u tube 30min. a day.
pl save my eye.
Chronic uveitis rarely causes permanent loss of vision
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
I reviewed your history.
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Please find the answers for your questions as below.
1. Blurred vision can occur with natural lens or with artificial lens. Blurred vision occurs because of inflammatory cells in the media and this will decrease as the inflammation decreases.
2. Adequate sleep is essential for the eyes to avoid eye strain. Hence you need to increase your sleeping time to atleast 7-8 hours.
3. Undergoing surgery for cataract will not influence the course of uveitis, hence I advice you not to worry about it.
4. Chronic uveitis can be treated and controlled and permanent loss of vision can be prevented.
5. Stress can cause acute exacerbation of uveitis.
6. Predforte is required only during acute phase of uveitis.
7. Uveitis is not a blinding disease it can be treated hence no need to be worried.
Hope this answers your questions.
Thank you
With regards
Uploaded the follow up report, that of day before yesterday.
I want to know is there eye pressure mentioned in the report. What should be its ideal value?
will just one month follow up sufficient or i should go to doctor twice in a month to check eye pressure?
My blood pressure is generally low in the range of 110-60. Does it also affect eye pressure?
How would i come to know the variation in eye pressure? what are its symptoms?
pl. suggest the remedy.
The intraocular pressure is normal.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
I reviewed the reports attached with the question.
The reports show that vision and intraocular pressure are normal and it is mild chronic uveitis.
The treatment is in right direction and no need to be worried.
Intraocular pressure of 12-18 is normal.
Follow up once in a month is sufficient.
High blood pressure is associated with high intraocular pressure, since blood pressure is low this is a good prognostic indicator.
The symptoms of high or increased intraocular pressure are pain, redness, hazy vision...
Hope this answers your questions.
Thank you
With regards