Suggest Treatment For Bumps On The Wrist
Possible Herpes zoster. Upload a second photo in few hours for follow up.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for using Healthcaremagic to post your question.
I read it carefully and I also saw the photos you uploaded in the other query.
What I see there and how you describe it, it is not scabies.
It looks more like herpes zoster or an infection of the skin. The inflamed area around the blisters also makes me think of it.
In your age for that type of infection it is not recommended oral antivirals to treat it. But I need you to follow up with me in a few hours, if there is changes to it, so I can have a second look and see how it is progressing.
Do not apply any antiitch cream for now, because a steroid cream in herpes would make it worse.
Take Benadryl for the itchiness and apply ice localy.
Looking forward to your follow up question and photos.