Suggest Treatment For Burning Sensation On Leg And Ankles
An x ray needed for position of implants,supportive supplements to add
Detailed Answer:
The bump as you mention here has to be assessed by physical examination by an orthopedic know exactly what is causing it.It needs an x ray too to see the position of the implants-to see if any loosening or migration has taken place.
As for burning in leg, ankle or hip, if position of implant is intact then physical therapy,exercises and supportive treatment with methycobalamin and vitamins and calcium supplements need to be added
Sometimes, implants loosen due to excessive bone reabsorption causing it to migrate or change its necessary position even when initial surgery was with correct placement or may happen from implant metal reaction in body tissue (marrow).This doesn't happen usually but individually, in some subjects, intrinsic causes and body response is unpredictable with more of resorptive activity unknown to anyone or to a physician.Some surgeons prefer to give supportive and supplementary treatment with calcium,vitamins and minerals for enhancing and building up of body responsivenesss
Anyway, as of now, consult your treating surgeon for evaluation by x rays and physical examination