Brief Answer:
You may have candidal
Detailed Answer:
You seem to have candidal balanoposthitis, caused by Candida albicans..a fungus. The condition may be precipitated or exacerbated by wetness,perspiration,soap, poor hygiene, poor immunity..etc Take antifungal tab like
ketoconazole once day for two weeks and apply
clotrimazole cream twice a day till you get cured. Take a Sitz bath in
dettol water..means you sit in a tub with warm water containing dettol. You may get good result. You have pain after masturbations ..right? That may be alleviated after the treatment as suggested.
Smegma is a normal whitish secretion from glands in prepucial skin. Nothing can stop it to secrete. You have to cleanse and wash carefully daily at bath. If you are embarrassed, you may go for a minor surgery..
CIRCUMCISION. It is an operation in which surgeon removes the prepuce. It is a harmless surgery having many benefits. You discuss with you doctor about this surgery and if you feel good, then have this surgery. You will not have Smegma after this surgery.
I think you may be satsfied with answer..still, any query, you may ask.
Good luck...
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD