Suggest Treatment For Chronic Sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis and Dacryocystitis
Detailed Answer:
Hi. Thank you for writing to HCM.
It appears that you have had chronic sinusitis suggested by no fever and lasting for 4 weeks. The possible reason as to why your eyes fill up with tears when you blow your nose is probably due to the back flow of nasal secretions into your tear duct (Lacrymal duct).
The tear duct opens from the side of your eye into the nasal cavity (beneath the inferior turbinate). During chronic sinusitis or allergy, due to excessive secretions within the nose, there is a possibility that on blowing the nose, secretions enter into the tear duct and pushes its way upwards causing you to have excessive tearing. Since the one way valve in the tear duct is very narrow and it slowly pushes the thick secretions down, it can explain the increased sense of pressure and why it takes a minute or two to subside.
In my opinion you need an ENT evaluation to examine the nasal cavity and the tear duct opening in more detail. A nasal endoscopy may be necessary. Based on the evaluation specific management may be initiated.
Hope this information was helpful. Do let me know if you have any other questions.
You are welcome
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for writing back. Glad that I could be of some help.