Suggest Treatment For Constipation And Large Stool In A One-year-old Child
My 1 year old granddaughter suffers from bad constipation associated with large diameter pellet stools and sometimes has black flecks in stool. There are times when she bleeds when passing a particularly large one. She cries in discomfort and hates getting diaper changes bc of that. Have been giving her extra water besides her milk. Try to keep away pastas . Give her fruit and veggies with every meal. Help! What can I give her she is crying now and don't have access to doctor
Need more information- please revert back with answers
Detailed Answer:
I think your grand daughter might be having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you.
1. Did your grand daughter pass motion or meconium on day one of life ?
2. Since how long is the kid constipated ?
3. Does the kid have bleeding every time along with 'hard' stools (did you mean large volume stools or just hard stool) ?
4. How much milk (total volume) does the kid consume per day ?
5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fibre diet) appropriately, I would like to know how much ?
6. Is the kid on any iron supplements?
7. How much water does she consume per day ?
8 What is her birth weight and current weight ?
9. What is her exact date of birth ?
Please get back to me with answers so that I can guide you better.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth
Born 12/29/15
Mecomium passed in hospital
Takes 16 oz of whole milk and 6 of water
Has protein beef or chicKen and beans carrots peas with lunch dinner. Don't give her pasta rice or bananas or juices
She has been having problems w constipation last few months.
Otherwaise Happy active baby
She doesn't bleed every time she has a bm only occasionally. Some times there are like blk little pearls in her diaper like tonight. There are not necessarily large like a lemon but hard and round like marbles.
No iron supplements
Was breast fed until end of december
Suggestions on constipation
Detailed Answer:
Suggestions on constipation -
1. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.
2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI
3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml. This needs to be restricted as milk contains calcium and makes stools harder.
4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day...along with minimum 1 litre of water per day.
5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in XXXXXXX type of lavatory, or in squatting position daily at the same time will help a lot.
6. For immediate relief you can give her 20ml twice a day of Syrup Duphalac to make stool soft. But this is just to take the fear off her regarding hard stools. The permanent solution comes from only by other dietary changes which I have suggested.
Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed).,
That what I am fearful of that she will develop a fear of going to the bathroom and have issues int wh future lurk chronic constipatiom or worse yet encopresis
But I don't think she could handle a quart of water
She is 13
Months so no where near being toilet trained. How much milk I'm ounces should I limit her to?
Suggestions on constipation
Detailed Answer:
Hi....I understand your concern.
I I am happy that you have understood the lurking problem of chronic habitual constipation, if the stools become painful. This is the exact reason why I am also stressing on the fact that we need to give Duphalac or Lactulose to take off that fear.
I am not asking you to start toilet training right now. But please cultivate the habit of squatting, while she passes motion and on the long run it will be beneficial.
Please restrict total milk upto 300 to 400 ml/day, and water intake please make sure she gets atleast 750 ml perday.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth