Suggest Treatment For Diarrhea And Nausea
hold off solids, fluid replacement, medications, probiotics
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Acute onset of diarrhea is most often due to infection though there are other causes as well.
I agree that you should see your gastro but in the meantime you can try the following: (1) hold off solid food for 24 to 72 hours at least. Typically for acute diarrhea the instructions are to hold off solids till there is at least a 4 hour window with no diarrrhea
After this 4 hour period passes then solids can be restarted, small amounts of dry foods such as toast, biscuits, plain rice etc
The intestines/bowel are inflamed and irritated, they cannot absorb food right now. When you use it, it may be preventing healing because it is not in a position to absorb the food
(2)liquids, liquids , liquids- oral hydration products to replace the fluids and electrolytes lost
Small amounts at a time eg 1 tbs every 5 mins for the first hour, if tolerated, increase the amount
(3)probiotics to help restore the good bacteria in the colon
(4)dramamine may help with the nausea
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions