Suggest Treatment For Diverticulitis And Pain
complete antiprotozoal and bacterial therapy should be taken for 14 days.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for query.
For acute phase of your recurrent diverticulitis antibiotic therapy is required but once the acute phase settles down. Severe and drastic life style modificatory changes have to be followed by patient for many months to avoid recurrent attacks.
You should take complete 14 days course of antibiotic with anti protozoal. Just controlling diet would not cure you in acute phase.Life style modification would prevent recurrence but would not help you in acute ongoing infection.As pain is getting worse it means that things are not settling down and inflammation is increasing.
Tab cefixime 400mg twice daily. for 14 days(with food)
Tab Metronidazole 400 mg thrice daily for 14 days(with food)
Use anti inflammatory initially twice daily for 5 days once pain settles down just follow antibiotics.
Life style modification-
Not exercising enough, not drinking enough water and delaying a bowel movement can worsen your symptoms. The most important factor for preventing recurrence is strict adherence to natural and simple diet. This should consist of unrefined food such as whole grain cereals, XXXXXXX honey and lentils; green leafy vegetables, like spinach, beans, lettuce, celery, asparagus, carrot. Individuals suffering from diverticulitis should increase the amount of plant foods they consume to get more fiber in their diet.
Diverticulitis in lay man's language means small chambers in intestinal tract which are occupied by bacteria. Now role of acute therapy with antibiotics is to kill those bacteria's but once acute phase settles down any thing which is good for bacteria to breed will cause re-attack.Indigestion of food or improper fermentation in intestines creates a atmosphere which is great for bacteria to multiply. So any thing which causes indigestion will increase your symptoms.
Secondly human gastrointestinal tract is colonized by 1013-14 bacteria of 400 different species and subspecies. They are responsible for proper digestion of food. Depletion of this flora due to repeat antibiotic therapy and infection has lead to severe digestive problems in your case.
Intestinal flora are types of microorganisms known as probiotics that live normally as part of the intestinal tract. These organisms have several functions that help the body. The most plentiful and important bacteria in the small intestine is the Lactobacillus species. Lactobacillus helps ferment indigestible carbohydrates. It also helps to stimulate the digestive process and aid the absorption of nutrients,as well as increase the motility of the gastro intestinal tract. I would suggest you to keep taking a good probiotics like Econorm thrice daily for few months .Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for digestion. As your gut flora will improve her constipation would be relieved and well formed and digested stools will pass.
So yes you can follow the diet along with medications.Currently medications should be taken.
Thanks you.