Suggest Treatment For Eczema
It didn't clear up with the clindomyacin and the locoid isn't clearing it either. Any ideas?
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Hi sir,
I have carefully read your query and understand your concern. But was unable to see the image you uploaded. Would you be so kind as to re-upload it? Ask our Customer service team for help if you are having trouble, they will guide you.
As per your clinical history,post auricular rash not resolving to antibiotics,likely points to RUBELLA a viral infection in children,
This is generally a mild self limited infection associated with mild fever and body aches.
A throat swab test can occasionally be used to make the diagnosis.upload the image if possible.
No specific treatment is needed except paracetamol to control fever if any.
The rash usually clears by 3 days.
In my practice I like prescribing Syrup avil if itching is severe.
If you were in my clinic i would recommend that you stop locoid and fluconosol and continue using Clindamycin.
I hope this info is helpful to you ,
Post your further queries on
Thank you
Take care
Non specific Fungal rash
Detailed Answer:
In case your kid is vaccinated against rubella,then there is extremely rare chance of contacting the disease.
I would like to certainly change my opinion on this.
I have seen the rash on uploaded image.
I have noticed an underlying lymph nodal swelling;which is most probably reactive in nature.
This rash in any case is not be worried ,as it could most likely be a non specific fungal infection ,as pronounced itching is present.
I advice you to apply Cotrimoxazole ointment 4-6 times/day for three days from here on if you were in my clinic.
I adopt a wait and watch policy for my patients at my clinic with such a rash.
rash should disappear in 3-4 days time.
In case if the rash does not resolve in 7 days or showed signs of exacerbation with systemic upset,i strongly recommend you to consult an expert Otolaryngologist for further management.
I hope this info is useful to you.
Thank you.
Take care