Suggest Treatment For Elevated Liver Enzyme Levels
Elevated liver enzymes can be associated with many conditions
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help. The elevated liver enzymes can be associated with SLE as it is a multi systemic disorder, and anything causing inflammation or injury to your liver can cause an elevation in your liver enzymes.
I would also like to shed light on the edema issue, which can be due to various conditions including any injury to your liver, even your heart (which is also affected in SLE).
I cannot establish a diagnosis for you, ma'am, especially because I do not know your history or even the reports of all your tests and investigations, but as for the elevated liver enzymes and edema, I can provide a brief insight.
Let me list some of the most common causes for pitting LE:
+Heart conditions
+Liver cirrhosis
+Kidney failure and other kidney diseases
+Period of being bedridden(if any)
+Nutritional deficiencies
+Thyroid abnormalities
+Menstrual abnormalities
and a few others.
If there are any other questions you have, please do not hesitate to list them and I shall try my best to answer them, ma'am.
Best wishes.